Trump slurs words, struggles to gain crowd enthusiasm as he takes to campaign trail to politics – 592 points –
Trump slurs words, struggles to gain crowd enthusiasm as he takes to campaign trail

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hanging out with jfk waiting to just come back

Hey - hey member that time when the Qanuts all went down to Dealy Plaza to watch JFK Jr. appear back in the land of the living so he could run as VP for trump? Member?

Oh man. Such incredible dipshits. Look! Look!

I think the Feds should probably use facial recognition on footage of crowds like that and keep tabs. Just sayin'. If they are going to spy on Quakers and vegans, the least they could do with overreach is spy on groups that are likely tied into terrorist cells.

And yet they don’t . . . Just the Quakers and vegans. now why would that be? Hmmmmmmm