EU and NATO condemn Russian cyber attacks against Germany and Czechia to World – 125 points –
EU and NATO condemn Russian cyber attacks against Germany and Czechia

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On one Czech podcast the host summed it up nicely: EU and Czech Republic politicians should pull their heads out of ass and realize that Russia is in full blown hybrid war with us. Disinformation campaigns, cyber attacks and sabotage of ammunition depots.

Which podcast? (I'm Czech)

Dobrovský a Šídlo, epizoda vyšla před 14 ti dny. Války neprohrávají vojáci ale zbabělý politici.

Thanks, cool recommendation. I think the consequencesof "what if we gave Russia what it wants?" as Babiš and sometimes Trump suggest they would do if elected, were a little glossed over. However, I've already watched William Spaniel's video about that so no big deal.