2 Post – 146 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Czech Republic, it has some requirements like it has to be voluntary, in good faith...

But basically you get 3000 czk write off per donation max 12 000 czk per year (you can donate every 3 months).

Shamelessly promoting my community again: !

It averages about 1 post per week but it certainly isn't dead.

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I am glad that you like it. It would be nice to have little more traffic but post quality is more important so I can't complain.

Where I am you get about 100 € tax write off per donation, one donation is about 0.5l so you could write off about 6 000 € from your personal tax returns.

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Rabies are eradicate here, but still controlled some neighboring states still have few cases here and there.

Here they have only lices, nothing much to worry about.

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It was choice between that or leave it for first car that would drive there.

Cyclists, some people just see red when they came across cyclist at the road.

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Competitive timed shitting league in China?

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For me it is maybe camping.

I just tested my new sleeping bag - under 0.5kg rated to -5°C. And realised that I bought/ replaced lots of gear to higher quality gear over few years.

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Xcrements, or how to call them.

It will be probably more. I talked with sysadmin from some smaller provider in my country few months ago. And he told me that the migration will take them for most systems about 2 years (depreciation of hardware) and for some machines about 5 years.

So lot of customers are in process of replacing it but it will take multiple years.

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At least some good election news after the Slovakia returned to Fico goverment.

I unintentionally grow weed because I made some tincture for grandma.

Now it just grows on my garden and I can't get rid of it.

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As long as power hungry people exist. It is basically easiest thing to implement in your politics and get people behind you.

Discworld - I just love stories from Terry Pratchet and there are lots of them (40 books).

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Yeah I know an A-hole driver so all drivers must be A**holes.

No some people just don't have good reason.

I am not surprised, they (ruling party) bank on polarizing people, attacking journalists and populism/prorussian reathorics.

I just listened to their press conference and they just pour gasoline on this situation. Like I nearly vomited hearing the accusations of journalists, opposition parties...

My wallet cried a little when I bought new bike, then I calculated the cost of alternative (car, public transport) and was surprised that even nicer bike is cheaper.

If I count only operating cost of car it will pay off in about 1 - 1.5 years. Public transport is at about 2 years.

Yes I know that I have some infrastructure, and other things that make it possible for me to use it everyday as car.

Also I stay fit and healthy when I don't sit in a car - so this is another value that can't be easily put in monetary perspective.

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The oldest version of Win I used was 95 about 2 years ago on chromatography machine (I think hplc or gas).

It is to my knowledge still in use in the school because the software don't run on newer machines. The teacher told me that he don't know what will he do when it dies. It isn't really an issue on Linux.

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As someone in alcohol industry. I see a shift in my country from drinking loads of cheap beer to finding craft brewerys and better alcohol in general.

Going to pub for 10 beers and few shots of cheapest vodka/rum is no longer a thing.

Still we top some of these charts. (CZ)

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You should make Rocky Linux, just for the pun.

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Read Dune if you didn't read it it goes deep in to ecology and terraforming of Arrakis, Fremen surviving on it,water relations in environment...

Another inspiration for you may be Scavengers Reign - animated series about surviving on lush planet that is really inhospitable for humans.

My brother returned from his train trip on Friday, he had looked up bus for yesterday but decided for 20 hour train ride.

This bus collide with another yesterday, 80 people injured 2 died. We joke all the time trains are late but for this to happen on rails multiple things has to go horribly wrong.

Except the selfhost crowd here.

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Slow one but- several years of drought and then bug infestation of some of our forests.

It affected badly planted forests (monocultures) but still it is sad to see bare places you remember covered.

There are several of these man made disasters around here but this one is most visible.

On one Czech podcast the host summed it up nicely: EU and Czech Republic politicians should pull their heads out of ass and realize that Russia is in full blown hybrid war with us. Disinformation campaigns, cyber attacks and sabotage of ammunition depots.

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There are lots of things that our body needs in really small doses. But anything above can be lethal.

Some things needs to be in really specific compounds. Like chrome we need really small dose of Cr3+ but Cr6+ is carcinogenic.

It makes sense to drop them in favour of flatpaks but flatpak, snap or appimage are still not fully developed. I think that universal packaging makes sense for some (most) apps.

For core OS apps it makes sense to package them the old way but everything added like office, games, browser ... it is just not sustainable.

From my experience, cycling specific clothes aren't worth it for most people. I ride my bike every day usually with jeans or shorts. If you have good saddle it doesn't matter that you don't have padding.

As for running I didn't run in a long time so can't help.

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Damn I should make meme from my comment first.

TBH lots of people think about calling it that.

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My hometown Brno used to be dead in season (June to September). There are lots of places geared to tourists but mainly for domestic weekend tourists and students. So in season students go home and other people go to some more exotic locations for longer periods of time.

Now it is somewhat better than that but still there are few tourists in season.

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My brother had my father as substitute teacher few times my dad never told me about it but his friends said that it was hilarous. He never told him by his name only "Yes teacher", "Mr." ...

We call it "The Granny choice" variety.

And trust me it is horrible, for tinctures it is great, but for anything else not.

Custom made software for controlling electro -plating factory.

It runned on 2 win10 machines, used some combination of excel and proper database software. Multiple people needed to have access, so remote access tool ...

So basically they added multiple features in 10 years and by the time I worked there it was a mess.

I work with lots of chemicals. The worst smells are these that make you cry before you smell them.

Ammonia, HCl, HNO3, CrO6, and other "fun" stuff. I am getting out off this shithole without functional ventilation in month.

Simon Tatham's Puzzles

F Droid app that is regularly updated. It has 40 puzzles with weird names this one is named Keen.

When I mention that I want to try bikepacking/biketouring and mention my bucketlist route around europe (each EU country and capital string together). Peple look at me like I am ready for madhouse room.