Twitter traffic appears to be declining since the beginning of the 2023 calendar year to – 414 points –

Source of this is from Matthew Prince, Co-founder & CEO of Cloudflare posted at 11:34 Jul 9,2023. It was posted to his twitter (@eastdakota). Not linking to twitter bc don't want a deadlink next time twitter makes API changes. And not to drive traffic to twitter :D

Edit: July 11th update, arstechnica published a detailed explanation


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Feels like a “no shit, Sherlock” headline but good to see hard proof. Disappointed in it only being a small amount tho

to be fair, the original poster used the word "tanking" and he knows a thing or two about DNS. I thought "tanking" was too click-baity and toned it down :D

Tanking is accurate - they were the 32nd highest traffic domain and now they're 42nd (fell even further since that screenshot was taken).

Ten places, when you're that close to the highest traffic domains on the internet, is massive. Twitter has gone from similar traffic to Bing to having less traffic than Spotify.

Worse though - more than half of their losses over six months happened in the last week or two.

what surprised me here is how much traffic bing gets 😅 integrating with AI was a real pro move, it seems.

Any insight into how much the reduction in traffic is just restricting API usage and actual user interaction? Surely there is a correlation in more API usage (if not just scraping) would drive more engagement?

I think it's more of a "thank God" moment than anything. The way shits been going these past few years it's completely possible thier traffic could have gone up. Just because.

The dip is small but the enormous debt Elon put on its back will definitely kill it soon enough.

And to think that the only thing Elon Musk needs to do to stop this trainwreck is to a) hand over control to any CEO at all not named Elon, b) get Elon Musk to take a break from social media.

Nah, at this point his only option is to cancel Starship and redirect all of its development funding into building a time machine so that he can dramatically increase the amount of weed he was smoking at the time he got the brilliant idea to buy Twitter so that his brain is made incapable of actually following through with it.