Law Firm Defending Trump Seeks to Withdraw From a Long-Running Case to – 211 points –
Law Firm Defending Trump Seeks to Withdraw From a Long-Running Case

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ganna guess the money is getting at its end, and no more looks to be coming

I doubt that, the article outlined how they've been paid millions over several years and are still representing him in other cases. Plaintiff's counsel is accusing them of using this as a tactic to disrupt/delay discovery, which would have Trump turn over damning evidence of employment discrimination against a pregnant woman in his campaign. The judge agreed with plaintiffs and has ordered Trump's counsel to continue representing him until they provide a good enough reason to need to back out.

Did they ever get any money from him?

I thought he had to give a massive retainer for them to even take him on. Could have been one of the other many lawyers that are dealing with him currently.