
1 Post – 107 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

OR, hear me out, we just have it mapped to alt+win(meta) key and this will be a nothing burger.

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They leaned into the fact it was a biker bar, didnt wanna post on the headline that it was a former sheriff that was the one that started the shooting and then also fired on the cops who then took them down.

ganna guess the money is getting at its end, and no more looks to be coming

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wait, this is a thing some people wanna do?? I wonder if I should ask my partner if they want this.

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they only wanna get the sound byte out there and then stand down, its just to enrage the idiots that dont really look into things.

seems like we should get some kinda whistleblower safey underground railroad. Law wont do it, guess its left to the plebs

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Law and Order, you broke the law, the next step in that process is you pay the bill, with fines. This is how it works for the everyman this is how it works for you. If you can not pay, there could (should) be prison time for you.

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Is it really hard to write, Killed by Israeli forces?

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WTF, that is super weird and kinda rude. She needs to learn how to text like the rest of us.

We need more clickbait, less real info, maybe have an AI write it all??

Well you know there is a way to find that out for sure, a vote of all members. And then we will see him tank not only himself, his children, all the businesses he has touched, But also the RNC!

I mean some officials think opening the dev tools in a web browser is hacking sooooooo. Sad to say I dont think the gov is going to catch up in law making to clarify for this case.

why would you ever say that?? So many places and stories you could tell from this, it doesnt even have to be in vaults, they said it was mostly china and the US that were nuked, you could still tell awesome stories in like Greece or the Nordic areas. What a dumb thing to say and even contemplate.

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But I just got in the 120 tonnes of toast in!!! I need these back!

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if it is aginst the law to live with out a home, then the government would be sure to guaranty all have access to housing.

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I dont want these small ones, I want a 55 inch one, so I can just have rotating art on the wall.

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We cant have artists on the payroll, if they wanna get that creative juice flowing, they need to do it between firings so our stock holders are happier!

Why would he have been in scrubs? He doesn't work at the hospital, they don't just hand those out to the patients.

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Let them shut it down, all the aged people on the SS bankroll will stop getting checks and they will be like they took my money over the gays(the R's seem to be pushing this over some LGBTQ2S+ laws), do that on someone elses dime. Plus going into election season it wont look good on those that did it.

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They have nothing to stand on outside of the art if that is true, Else they would have shut down things that are very much closer in scope to pokemon (i.e. digimon, which they tried, and it was dropped, they cant own a art style or game play cycle.), this one doesnt even ape the idea wholesale there is no evolution but the breeding mixes types. And Arc and Zelda would have a few words but again, you cant own a gameplay loop, I mean ask PUBG how that went for them.

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well if the digimon case taught them anything, they dont own the idea of monsters that you can catch, and if they are based on real world animals you cant really own them, outside of name.

I am not a lib, they lean to far to the right for me. I am the pinko your tv warns you about. If you make laws then you need to have a path to make sure just by being poor you are not in violation of these laws.

We have seen governments use spies for 1000's of years, how is this news?? Is it that they have ties to the CIA? I mean they have their fingers in all pies, I am sure the average person is only like 4 degrees separated from something CIA.

Lets all hope that they have to amend the article title to Former

If anything I would have been ok with EA getting this, these two are nothing compared to the sports games that they put out. Also a lot of Rockstars games 17+, we might wanna see what these parents are doing by exposing their children to things like this that could be habit forming.

Now why would they want to do that, seems odd. Wouldnt they want to show they are supporting the free speech (their CEO says this is the case) platform, what would it gain you to hide this badge?

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AAAA juggernaut

Was it the hate campaign that made any of your associated address with the company were never a place you were at? Was it them who used unpaid interns to mod and build the game, then left them out to dry with no support when the hate for the state of the game came in?

If I was a state over I would be on top of this, never wanted to work in the government but this seems like a reason to stick my spanner in the works. They would be salty the times when I just dont feel like giving anyone a marriage, and I have a moral objection to...... rich men marrying younger females, ganna have to stick to my guns on that one too.

The idea that drag isnt a conservative value is so odd to me, for so many years in the past men were the only ones to be female characters on stage. I would think they would like that these people are keeping that tradition alive. Hell they have gone so far as to get women to play the men, this seems like the artistic expression that started the movement in the first place. Real traditional values here.

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It was just masturbation for me, PugJesus had both posts.

I love that after all these years Pooh and Piglet still talk!

You have never leased out a office building I can see. If you area going to spend 100,000's even into more to make the office space (as you build to suit inside the space as well) you wanna know you have it for so long. So it was good for biz as they knew they would have it for a decade maybe more and protect the investment. And it would also lock in the rent rates for that time so they could stave off inflating rents (there is a normally a year over year % increases built into the lease so the company that owns the building doesnt loose out too bad).

It was also something that C levels were spending their money on, they would own the property company and get even more out of it. They could spend a ton with a bank with the thought of I can assure you biz X (which they are on the board of if not the CEO outright) will be there for this many years and will pay the principal of the loan over this time, we also built space for other offices inside the building and we will give a discount to anyone that used or is referred by your bank. Again stacking security onto the loan they got, plus more to put on a plate of a potential biz start up.

Thank you for the TL;DR. Also great numbers there, might allow other cities to get these started. I would love to see more money also put into public mental health as well, one step at a time.

I just add a usbc to audio/charging dongle to them. Getting a phone with a audio jack I feel like is when I wanted to keep the hardware keyboard, I was just walking the boulder up the hill I just was like there was an easy off that mountain.

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same, it was like it was dawn all around.

Isnt this the end they did on D3 and it made it just a flood of huge numbers and nothing was fun, nothing was this one drop can break the game for your build. If everything gets you there, getting there isnt a challenge. I mean I like ARPGs and I like when they have those moments like can I make it thru this fight. This dosent sound like that. But it also sounds like they are not dealing with the grind issue, that I thought a lot of their players were complaining of. And the grind here was for leveling not for gear (if I understand correctly).

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Wait a second, I could have swore that he was 'ordained' by god to be the speaker, did god get all he wanted out of him. Or why would good god fearing house members even be broaching this subject??

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why do two people that are not in government have anything to do with this, and if they are give advice it should be declared that they are lobbyists for these things.

Fuck me, you didnt even hear it coming, it was just like a rush sound .5 seconds before that van was gone. They had to be waiting for it to stop, freaky how many eyes both sides have just waiting. edit

Also with the idea in mind that they were waiting for it to stop, the car behind also stopping would have been the last thing to do, GTFO, I hope they are safe and now on they rewire their head for keep it moving especially when death from above (but I dont know if you are a big enough target they will have good things to track on you, this looked like a precision kinda thing, if they were still rolling it might have left someone alive)