Congress voted against funding a cure for cancer just to block a win for Biden to politics – 899 points –
Congress voted against funding a cure for cancer just to block a win for Biden

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The incomplete characterization that the drug was READY for us markets.

It is not fda approved.

Edit After discussion, the op elected to make the seen edits in their comment. I'd refer you to them.

@astreus never made that claim.

It is currently available in Cuba, Colombia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Peru and Paraguay.[

I agree, I did not make that claim! And I do find it a bit weird that people are using that line of attack. But c'est la vie. I was wrong about what the treatment did, I was wrong about the level of verification it had, however we are singing from the same hymn sheet

This has already been discussed and op met my edit request. You aren't part of this.

For the sake of transparency, I edited before you suggested I did - hence my comment "I had not done the research and have edited my comment above." 😉

My edit request was met. No comment on order of operations.

Now who's being disingenuous 😂

The implicature of cause and effect is reversed

When I made my claim your comment was not of quality, you hadn't edited yet. When token boomer was commenting to me, you had.

Nope, I had already. Hence why I said "I have edited my comment" and then you said "you should edit your comment.

Well that's fucking wrong else I wouldn't have started this whole thing, as I've indicated your edit is satisfactory

Check again.

"My original comment was a glib link to a wikipedia page. I had not done the research and have edited my comment above"

To which you replied:

"Your last sentence here would change the sentiment of your original comment in a positive way. I encourage an edit."

I was going to reply with "what, I should edit my comment again to say I have edited my comment" but decided it wasn't as funny typed as in my head.

Sorry, mate, you are wrong. But over the most stupidly ridiculously small thing on the internet (and that's saying something)

I just want us to be clear: your satisfaction/demands mean literally nothing to me so please don't take credit for the other poster helping me do my research 🤷‍♂️

You're the one reviving this thread. You posted your top level comment. The other commenter destroyed your bullshit claim, and I said ,"wow this really highlighted the bullshit". You hadn't edited then, cause both of our comments wouldn't make sense.

Unless you have timestamps, I believe your edit came either at the same time, or after I and the other comment called for you to tidy up your misinformation, which you did. Of course you didn't do it for me or because of me, I'm not your mom.

You got called out and are now flailing. Just let it go

My "you should edit" comment was may 6th at 356.

Your edit was at may 6 425.

Edit The point of all of this end of the thread is that token boomer showed up far later than that, of any edits, acting like none of them happened

I'm not flailing, I'm pointing out you are trying to rewrite history.

On top of that the other commenter didn't "destroy" my claim nor was it "bullshit". They added context based on an assumption I didn't make (i.e. vaccine = cure) which led me to do more research and add context that changed the level of enthusiasm I had.

What was bullshit was you deciding it was disingenuous AND you saying I had made changes you had requested. Neither of those statements are true.

"I believe your edit came either at the same time" - you do see the irony of asserting your belief like it's fact in a thread where I added my belief to a fact and mangled it as a result? You do see it, right?

I find it kinda funny that I admitted where I was wrong but you are literally unable to.

Anyway, just clarifying: the OTHER poster got me to edit based on their HELPFUL comments. You didn't do anything apart from state obvious facts about FDA approval and try to take credit for being so wise and insightful

I provided timestamps.

I never did shit but call out the the other dudes comment was good, and yours sucked. The fact you can't drop this is flailing.

The fact that you find my fda facts obvious, yet your didn't use them in your original comment, takes us full circle to why I commented in the first place lol