RFK Jr. makes California ballot by collaborating with political party with a bigoted, anti-LGBTQ+ past

jeffw@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 89 points –
RFK Jr. makes California ballot by collaborating with political party with a bigoted, anti-LGBTQ+ past

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Indeed, just has to get signatures like any other candidate.

Democratic candidates have to get 26,000 signatures.

Republican? 52,863 signatures.

Independent? 219,403 signatures.

Yeah, seems completely fair and balanced.


Those numbers for the Democrats and Republicans are to be on their primary. Not the general election.

And independent has no primary, so those are the numbers to get on the relevant ballot.

Except the numbers for the Democrats and Republicans are their individual numbers since they are primaries. Run by the parties. They have no bearing whatsoever on the State numbers. The State numbers are the same for everybody. For a party to get registered it has to have a certain number of signatures just like an individual. That's why he's using that party, they've already done the groundwork he couldn't do by himself. This isn't that complicated.