Conservative Plan Calls for Dozens of Executions if Trump Wins

theprogressivist to politics – 603 points –
Conservative Plan Calls for Dozens of Executions if Trump Wins

A conservative plan for Donald Trump’s potential transition into the presidency calls for dozens of prisoners to be executed, according to HuffPost. An 887-page plan by Project 2025, led by the ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation, says that if elected, Trump should make a concerted effort to execute the remaining 40 prisoners on death row. The section’s author, attorney Gene Hamilton, advised that Trump “do everything possible to obtain finality” on the current list of people until Congress forces them to stop. Hamilton is the vice president of America Legal First, a group of former Trump lawyers bent on attacking “woke” companies, headed by Stephen Miller. Trump’s approach to the death penalty stands in stark contrast to that of President Joe Biden, who has openly opposed the death penalty, but done little to move forward legislation to reform or abolish the practice since entering office.

For those of you not in the know Project 2025 is Republicans plan to turn the USA into an authoritarian state.


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Wow, you managed to completely ignore mountain of misdeeds by conservatives to then blame dems for what conservatives have done over and over again. Not only that, you’ve conflated the death penalty and abortion along with general shit-talking of democrats, mostly baseless Fox News talking points…

But what really speaks shit about conservatives it how they’re constantly tearing down our democracy and then trying to blame democrats for it— just like you are here. The problem for you is: we’re not as stupid as you think we are.

Are you a bot or just a paid shill?

I'm not saying conservatives are good, I'm saying democrats are not very serious about opposing them.

Are you a child, or have you only recently started paying attention to yankee politics?

You’re spreading GOP disinformation and talking points, and you’re not fooling anyone.

yankee politics

It’s 2024, not 1864, Lmao

christ it's like i'm talking to 2016.

is it nice? moving through time without noticing or remembering it's passing? As static as a simpsons character?

If you don’t like that your bs isn’t tolerated here, leave.

Throwing tantrums won’t change that.

How is any of what I've been saying "GOP talking points"? Do the conservatives in your life pay nearly this close attention to what the democrats do? Because all the conservatives I know are freaking out over Facebook stories of kitty litter in classrooms or Heather Has Two Mommies being available at the local library.

If your reaction to criticisms of the DNC is to immediately assume i'm some spooky agent provocateur, then you're approach to politics is just as mindless as the Facebook conservatives.

Continuing to complain About the consequences of your own actions will not get you any sympathy.

That is my primary criticism of democrats, yes

That is my primary criticism of democrats, yes

And the troll takes off the mask

What mask? What are you even saying? You seem to only communicate in cliches

Typical that you keep blaming others for your own behavior. Just like you have been this whole time.

Project <— you are here

Oh, are you like, a bot trained on redditor's comments? Is that why you only have old memes to reference?

Like, do you have any response to what I'm arguing besides various iterations of "Nuh Uh!"

do you have any response to what I'm arguing besides various iterations of "Nuh Uh!"

You mean the exact thing you’ve said for your last 2 replies?

Once again, blaming others for the exact thing you are doing, lmao. So predictable…

If you don’t like that your bs isn’t tolerated here, then leave. Continuing to throw tantrums won’t get you any sympathy.

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