Are these pollen sacs? Because this plant has already trolled me with bobbles that then spat out white hairs. I'm still a noob

Ey ich frag doch to – 12 points –

[Edit: I'll cut down this plant today. It's the smallest of 3. Thanks for the feedback!]


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Looks like it, but it's been a good while since I've been around actual plants.

Could be a hermaphrodite. I've had those and ended up having to cull them. Not only can they self-pollinate, they can pollinate any others you have too.

It's been forever, though, so maybe someone else can confirm/deny my opinion.

It is hard to say. Sometimes hybrids only have a few pollen sacs, if you can remove all them you will be fine.

But most of us would just cut it to be sure, you have two more plants. It's a tough choice.

, if you can remove all them you will be fine.

Just have to be very careful not to let any of them break and to wash very thoroughly before touching any other plant, but yeah.

Since it's my first grow I'm scared af that they breed. It's my smallest plant of 3. I'm gonna kill them today 😥 Thank you for your evaluation!