Astro Mike

1 Post – 21 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Well done. The only weak matchup is the Amy->Cheryl one since Amy's a genius while Cheryl sniffs glue.

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Bing Voice Search, now powered by Al:

Oi, can we please leave the bot-generated shite on Reddit?

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I mean, it can be if you want it to be.

Just turn on Fox News, OAN, or your favorite "alternative facts" "news" channel and every time they make a statement, just say "april fools!" in your head.

Are we really allowing articles from Fox News here now? FN clearly violates rule 3. Even if this particular story is sound, it just legitimizes them as an org and all of the other bonkers stuff they put out.

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Ha, exactly.

One of my favorite things from 30 Rock - they didn't force any of the main characters together. They even had Kim Jong Il talk directly to the camera at the end of an episode telling the writers not to overthink it and have Jack and Liz get together.

That is one of my favorite jokes as they’re mocking fans who wanted them to get together.

That's true (I saw/read the posts). I'm just trying to not bring geopolitical stuff into everything.

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this tech is getting better and will be a major part of how we interact with the world and eachother in the future.

Well that’s bloody terrifying, yeah? The tech is still young and people are already using it to avoid learning new things. It just churns out text that sounds correct but often isn’t and people just take it at its word. It has no more understanding of the text it shits out than a toddler who has learned to swear.

Look, mate, people are fuckin’ lazy and if there’s a shortcut, they’re gonna take it. They’re not gonna fact check the magic bot because that’s work and defeats the purpose of using the magic answer-bot in the first place. I do not look forward to a world where intellectual curiosity dies at the hand of “let me just ask a bot to do it for me”. That’s not even getting into the use of it by malicious actors to influence the gullible or stupid or the massive carbon footprint for all the compute resources it takes to run those models.

Id like Lemmy to still be relevant in a few years. We shouldn’t shy away from new tech.

Agree on the first part, but heavily disagree on the second when it comes to bot-generated crap,

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My second point stands.

Just because an outlet that spews made up nonsense and outright lies throws you a factual bone once in a while, it doesn't make them credible. Hence the "low credibility "rating.

It's not so much the right itself, just the batshit crazy interpretation of it and our collective gun fetish culture. The nutjobs zero in on the "shall not be infringed" part completely ignoring the "well regulated" part that comes before that. *sigh*

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Looks like it, but it's been a good while since I've been around actual plants.

Could be a hermaphrodite. I've had those and ended up having to cull them. Not only can they self-pollinate, they can pollinate any others you have too.

It's been forever, though, so maybe someone else can confirm/deny my opinion.

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I can't remember where I heard this, but someone once said that defending a position by citing free speech is sort of the ultimate concession; you're saying that the most compelling thing you can say for your position is that it's not literally illegal to express.

- Randall Munroe

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You know what, mate, I give up. 🤦‍♂️

Ask chatgpt everything. Learn nothing, develop no new skills of your own, and let's see what you regret on your deathbed. I'm willing to bet most people are going to regret not learning to paint, write, compose music, play an instrument, etc rather than regret all the things they didn't get a bot to do for them.

"I know you are but what am I?" Seriously?

If you're so enamoured with GPT and having do your work and thinking for you, why didn't you ask it to write you a pithy comeback?

, if you can remove all them you will be fine.

Just have to be very careful not to let any of them break and to wash very thoroughly before touching any other plant, but yeah.

Usually popcorn.

If I'm really lazy, throw a bag in the microwave.

Otherwise, pan-popped and sprinkled with salt and onion powder to make Funyuns popcorn.


So you're basically saying "Yes, it's a problem, but it doesn't affect me personally so let it be"?


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I have the right to drive up to your house, park on the side of the street, and blast "Baby Got Back" on a loop at 250 dB until the wee hours of the morning, but I don't do that. Because I'm not an asshole. And I'm already over-budget this year for public performance rights to songs about the buttocks. But mostly the former.

Someone else said it in another comment: Be a good neighbor - that's all we're asking.

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