Al Jazeera could probably fire/replace its writers with LLMs, rebrand as AI Jazeera, and no one would immediately notice.

Astro to – 255 points –

I'm not dunking on their writers, just how Al and AI look the same in most fonts.


AI Pacino — robo-actor

AI Roker — actually could be a good name for a weather bot

AI Quaeda — fully autonomous terrorist organization

I've always looked at this in the other direction. Offer services "powered by Al" and as long as you have some dude named Al involved you don't have to waste time and energy on AI.

Your title honestly had me puzzled until I read the rest of the post. On my end it really did look like you were suggesting Al Jazeera rebrand as "Al Jazeera" and I was stumped on what the difference was.

This is why I prefer sans-serif fonts that have lower case l's with a little bend on the bottom. For example the new default font in Office (Aptos) does exactly that.

Serif has the curly letters. Sans serif does not have the curly letters (hence the sans)

I know what a serif is. And I'm specifically not talking about that. I'm talking about this:

The Israeli government recently got found out for using AI to help plan the current conflict. There's a story in the world news community about it.

2 more...

And then they go back to doing this:

Seriously, this was the best thing Al Jazeera has ever done. And then they killed it.

Makes no difference if it’s AI or Al. I avoid news from them.

They're not great in that they're still western propaganda, but they're 100x better than CNN/MSNBC/Fox.

Al Jazeera is the Qatar government. Not sure I have ever heard anybody classify Qatar as western before.
