Are there any communities or instances on this website for Asians or people of color to talk about racial politics? to No Stupid – 68 points –

I need something like that in my life. A lot of them can be somewhat reactionary and sometimes a little right wing. Not always completely but I think sometimes it can get weird.


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She eventually had to be sterilized after my birth so the government can ensure she doesn’t give birth to a third child.

This sounds really messed up, among everything

Yeah China and India got some very long backlog because of the 7% per country policy

On the bright side, I'm still alive. I guess killing someone that has already been born is harder to justify than killing me while I was still a fetus.

But you know what the worst thing was? She STILL BELIEVES IN CCP PROPAGANDA! So does my dad. I'm like y'all have no hope. Too far gone. Everytime they paise the CCP I'm just like "Oh so you think they should've killed me?". At least now whenever someone spews CCP propaganda, I'll just say "You know, the CCP tried to kill me..."

Well, that means CCP propoganda works as intended...