Kennedys rule to – 199 points –

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I shall reply with another screenshot

(Except Leon S. Kennedy is a character from resident evil who very much did have something happen to his head, but everything else is real)

Rosemary really should be at the top of the leaderboard, because it wasn't her choice and it was family who organised it.

i somehow doubt the rest were by choice either

Oh I'm well aware, it was the combination of the two that makes it worse.

For example: JFK was killed without consent by a stranger. Rosemary had a lobotomy performed on her without her consent under orders from her family. So the fact it was family and not a stranger makes it worse in my opinion.

Otherwise, suicide is a choice, so it lessons the fact that it was done by someone very close (ie the one commiting suicide). It's a choice made when one is in a state of mind where they shouldn't be making choices of such magnitude, but it's still a choice.

Haha that Leon line cracked me up, was not expecting that.