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Joined 5 months ago

I'm very late to this comment, but I wanted to say I agree! I think part of it is a knee jerk reaction to the fact that it was (and unfortunately still is) dangerous for many people to out themselves and so they think you have to be out if it's safe because being stuck in when you don't want to be is bad. Completely forgetting that some people don't have a desire to be out, and are happy just living their lives as is.

Look OP I'm going to be blunt. If you want to keep your marriage, you are in for a long and potentially painful journey.

You will both have to work through breaking the indoctrination of hate caused by bad translations and the bigots who furthered it.

For example, despite being bi, your wife thinks homosexuality is a sin; however, homosexuality is only a sin to modern Christianity. The line in the bible everyone quotes as evidence of it being a sin is mistranslated. The line "it is a sin for a man to lie with a man" uses two different words for man in the original Hebrew, with that second version of man usually being translated elsewhere as 'boy'. meaning the phrase was never saying homosexuality was a sin, it was saying pedophilia was a sin.

I'm hoping for the best for you and your wife, but just be aware it is going to be tough. Coming out is a difficult enough journey when society isn't accepting, and it is significantly more difficult when your inner circle isn't 100% on board. Good luck, I'm hoping you can show the world you can keep your faith and your identity. ❤️

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Fun fact for those who are interested; this is a reference to a Stock photo series about bullying, that has a fair bit of sexual tension. Especially when you see that in the rest of the set, they all took turns being "bullied".

Here's the one where the girl in the background is the one being "bullied".

Here's the one where the girl on the left is being "bullied".

Finally, here they are being besties.

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I use sync and I used it when it was a reddit app. It was funny to join Lemmy while hating on sync was trendy.

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Rosemary really should be at the top of the leaderboard, because it wasn't her choice and it was family who organised it.

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Except the ones that are dead.

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I've seen a photo of the one being tased doing a flip in front of this officer. I'm assuming no shoes because it's easier to do stuff like that without them?

I don't think I have ever sent a flag. So it's wild to me.

Oh I'm well aware, it was the combination of the two that makes it worse.

For example: JFK was killed without consent by a stranger. Rosemary had a lobotomy performed on her without her consent under orders from her family. So the fact it was family and not a stranger makes it worse in my opinion.

Otherwise, suicide is a choice, so it lessons the fact that it was done by someone very close (ie the one commiting suicide). It's a choice made when one is in a state of mind where they shouldn't be making choices of such magnitude, but it's still a choice.

This reminds me of that scene in star trek where someone had sequenced the DNA of their perfect woman.... They were equally proud of it as the guy in the above photo is of whatever that is.

Edit: I was thinking of a scene from Mission to Mars, not Star Trek TNG.

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Not openly or outright. Potentially not at all, but he is loved by Nazis.

Just one example of Nazis and terrible people liking him, was a terrorist who live streamed his attack on a couple mosques in NZ and during the attack he said to "subscribe to PewDiePie" amongst other things.

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I had the same initial reading, but upon a second closer look it's two O's so definitely depressing and not fun at all. :(

You're fine! It's still an amazing affirming moment and I love that for you! <3

I read it more along the lines of the one on the left is the coding transgirl stereotype and the one on the right was the artist transgirl stereotype.

Honestly OP I'm glad. You're right in that this is definitely good progress and apologies for not saying as much in my original reply!

You can’t expect to wield supreme executive power just ’cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!

Seconding this. Along with the fact that Ubuntu wouldn't work properly when I tried it. I had an issue with the installer that prevented me from downloading anything. So I tried mint and it just worked.

Yeah pretty sure it was Riker in TNG

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Some are some aren't. I'm pretty sure that's one of the bigger types.

The real issue is that every single application requires you to provide a CV and cover letter, only to then make you re-enter all of the info from those into their likely terrible hiring software that will force you to sign up. Then the majority ghost you.

So yeah, while I agree it's not worth writing a custom cover letter for every job, I'd say CVs are worse. As you are pretty much forced to anyway as you re-enter everything over and over despite providing a copy of your CV.

I think a big part of the hate came from the fact that the developer was charging for a premium version. Lemmy is all about open source, power to the people kind of things, so I imagine this rubbed people up the wrong way. Plus it was a fairly popular reddit app, and people were hating on the reddit refugees as well.

Darkpanda got it. It was mission to Mars, a movie where someone makes a DNA sequence out of Skittles and calls it his "perfect woman"

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The further I think on it and try googling, I can't find anything on it. I know it's a scene from something, but I'm starting to think it was a movie not TNG

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I stand corrected. :)

That would probably explain why they love him.

Yeah I think I'm conflating a movie I saw and that.

YES! That's it!

Yes! I remember thinking the same thing! No way in hell did he have enough Skittles to do what he said he was doing. Unless he was just bullshitting or trying to look smart. I haven't seen that movie in so long, I can't remember if he was actually supposed to be smart, or was just making it up.