Helium-3: Mining the fuel of the future on the Moon

boem@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 160 points –
Helium-3: Mining the fuel of the future on the Moon

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Fusion is coming, who cares about He3?

SK had a 45 sec reaction, we might actually be less than 20 years away from net positive energy.

Well, it would be except it isnt a money making energy source so TPTB will only fund space miners instead.

Helium 3 is what we're planning to use in fusion, that's the point.

Fair enough, I assumed it was for batteries

I wish they'd throw more money at cold fusion too. Just need Palladium for that one 😅

Even if it was for batteries, unless we get fusion factors down to something that can fit in a car, power drill, smartphone, etc. batteries are still going to be a big part of the equation.

Sure, you can generate enough juice to power whatever you want, but only as long as it's plugged in, anything that needs to get detached from the grid is still going to need batteries, and you probably don't want your car hooked up to a 10 mile long power cord for your commute.

ITER will not be having the first full fusion before 2040. And that's just a prototype for science, it will not be a fusion power plant for generating energy for the public grid. So: fusion is still not very near.

I wish this canard that fusion is right around the corner would die, we're nowhere near. Where are people like OP getting their information from?