Libs of TikTok and its dark influence on LGBTQ+ hate to politics – 129 points –
Libs of TikTok and its dark influence on LGBTQ+ hate

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They're a very vocal minority.

And violent.

Are you referring to Jan 6 alone or are there other examples?

"There were a large number of far right killings and car attacks at Black Lives Matter demonstrations in 2020."

Kind of weird to reference Kyle Rittenhouse after being exonerated, not to mention the antifa guy who shot and killed a counter protester, and was later killed by police. Like what exactly does that prove?

You asked if there were any examples other than J6. I provided examples. I don't understand your confusion.

I guess maybe you didn't read the article very closely, but those are terrible examples.

"Are you referring to Jan 6 alone or are there other examples?"

Other examples. Not good examples, you asked for "other examples." I provided other examples. Now you're trying to move the goalposts and say the examples aren't good enough?