Am I doing this right? to Linux – 484 points –

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Nope, this was an official, legally sold product. Came with a keyboard, mouse, 40gb HDD, and PS2 ethernet adapter. Required an 8MB memory card to function and installed via command line. It's a pretty cool piece of history.

Its me mario on the ps2

The real question as can you run gentoo on the Ps2

(I believe playstations runs a version of gentoo for its OS? I think)

The operating systems from the PS3, PS4, PS5, 3DS and Switch and Mac OS are based on FreeBSD. The Wii U probably also runs something based on FreeBSD.
Linux for the PS2 is based on Red Hat.
Chrome OS is based on Gentoo


Neat, I had no idea. Can't wait to pull this out on trivia night lol