Most unique looking celebrities? to – 35 points –

I'm working on a side project studying variations in human facial features. It's been helpful to study celebrity faces because it's easy to find numerous reference photos. I've actually got a fairly good range of weird looking white men, turns out Hollywood is pretty flush with those, but it's been harder to find unique looking women or darker skinned people of any gender! Idk if I just don't know as many actors in those demographics, or if it's just harder to break into Hollywood as a weird looking person without also being white and male, but it's probably some combination of the two.

What're y'alls suggestions?


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Except he's not a woman or dark skinned, which is what the poster is looking for.

I could use more of everything, but I need those the most, yeah.

Oh ok cool! I thought you needed help on the minorities. It's so true what you've found too,I never thought about it before.