Education to Lefty – 884 points –

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I don't, you all do. The majority will always overrule the minority and you will have leadership that represents some but not all. Someone is going to get screwed always in your little utopia.

Having democratically accountable managers and production based on use and not on profit is entirely different.

Yeah it's even worse...if you don't like your boss you have no option of moving to a different job to get rid of them. The same people you all hate in this government are the same people who will now be bossing you around.

You can vote them out, lol.

You're deeply unserious.

How's that currently working for you? RvW was just repealed and anti-abortion laws in place in a bunch of states....

Yep, the US is not a democracy.

And you think a communist society is?


ROFL The delusional naivety from you tankies is hilarious.

What makes me a tankie? Being a non-anarchist Socialist? Tankie must've lost all meaning, then.