Prominent Android manufacturers commit to supporting phone software for 7 years to – 89 points –
Samsung Extends Android and Security Updates to 7 Years

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Hopefully a blow to planned obsolescence


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They're not concerned with product, they're concerned with profit. They're strategically cutting away bits and pieces that don't make money. Incidentally, these are all the fun and exciting bits, leaving behind the blandness.

That's a boring answer but it is sadly true for Google and every other big tech company currently. They focused on massive growth for years off the back of heavy investment but now that the financial climate is bad and interest rates are up, all these companies suddenly need to refocus the business around profitability. It's why this wave of enshittification has hit the internet within the last few years.

It's a shame. I remember the Google+ days when they were playing with app redesigns. Those days were fun.