4 Post – 373 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Safe and official are not the same thing. I'm not sure there is any pirate site that is 100% safe when downloading applications. You are always taking an educated risk based on the history of the site, the moderation, the users and the application in question. It is not a good habit to think of things as clean or unclean, safe or unsafe, because circumstances can always change and you need be actively on the lookout for warning signs.

The design is also noticeably softer and cuter than previous Pixels, which may appeal more to some.

I found this article quite interesting, as I deactivated my main Facebook account around the time the article asserts Facebook was still "trying" and only recently created a new account under a generic pseudonym to access all the community and small business information that is still locked entirely to the platform. Because I have basically nothing in my feed on this account, Facebook backfills it with "recommended" posts and I was pretty shocked at how universally terrible they are. I guess the algorithm uses my location and gender to generate these recommendations, since I've provided very little in the way of alternative information or interaction for it to use. As a result, my default feed is basically just a wall of misogynistic and highly sexualised slop and even the few genuine recommended posts (like backpackers looking for travelling buddies) are clearly being recommended because they feature young women with a bunch of older men thirsting over them in the comments.

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It's not a "problem", as such. As I said, I created the account to view the pages and groups of small businesses and organisations that have no other online presence. I don't use it for the doomscroll algorithm. This was just my observation of what kind of content is targeted towards males in my location by default.

Smartphone camera systems have been using AI for many years. It's only recently that companies started adding the buzzword to the marketing material to make it seem like there has been some massive leap forward. It's likely this camera will function like any other.

Really great article, and thanks for posting the text of it.

You're welcome. It was their daily free article to email subscribers. I can't afford to pay a subscription fee for full access but I find the combination of their mailing list + podcast is a good way to keep up to date with their investigations.

I've had issues with instances in the past too, but there's now a percentage next to each one displaying its uptime which I've found useful for stability.

I'd actually consider that larger outer screen on the 50 to be a downgrade from the smaller screen on the 40. One of the things I really appreciate about the 40 is how easy it is to ignore, because it requires opening to do almost anything beyond checking notifications.

Okay but I'd rather hear this from someone who is actually using a 5+ year old phone, not a guy who has a 1 year old work phone that he "plans" to keep for an undefined amount of time. Everyone says this and then they break it and decide the cost of a repair isn't worth it, or just cave to the first trade in deal they receive in their inbox. There is a lot of virtue signalling about e-waste and the environment from these tech reviewers and influencers on YouTube but very few of them actually follow their own guidelines.

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Being autistic is taking a normal interaction every human experiences and pretending it is unique to you and your autistic peers.

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A lot of people read it from illegitimate sources simply because they can manage to release it two to three days earlier than the official every week.

This still sounds like a service problem.

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A more appropriate rebranding would be 'L'.

like the fact that we didn't 'sell' the monoblock, but rather auctioned it for charity due to a miscommunication

This is one of the main justification's Linus uses for claiming the journalistic moral high ground in that reply. First of all, correct me if I'm wrong, but the video in question didn't once claim that the cooler was "sold" - rather that it was "put up for auction". Which doesn't contradict or even misrepresent anything that actually happened. Secondly, a debate over whether it was sold for profit or auctioned off for charity is largely irrelevant anyway because the actual problem here is that LMG attempted to offload the product to a third party after receiving requests to return it to the manufacturer (and promising multiple times to do so). Linus is trying to use the charity angle to frame himself as the benevolent and misrepresented good guy just trying to do the right thing, but in the process is lying about what was actually said and is displaying a complete lack of awareness over what the actual problem here is. Signing off with this just makes him look even worse:

There are other issues, but I've told him that I won't be drawn into a public sniping match over this and that I'll be continuing to move forward in good faith as part of 'Team Media'. When/if he's ready to do so again I'll be ready.

He's pretending he has the moral high ground, whilst continuing to take snipes and potshots, in a poorly worded apology where he admits he is in the wrong. The dude just sounds salty that someone dared to call him out. His ego can't handle it and now he's desperately floundering around attempting to find some way to damage the credibility of the other person.

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no one is acting like this is unique.

Yes actually, they are. That's the entire reason this debate began; some developers claimed that Baldur's Gate 3 is a unique occurrence and should be treated as such, rather than an example of a AAA video game meeting the expectations of consumers.

I think that was the point the person you replied to was getting at: not only is it completely fine for consumers to have these expectations, but it's actually not even as rare as these developers are making out. There are other examples of AAA development studios and publishers who aren't engaging in blatantly anti-consumer practices, so the ones that do really have no excuse.

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A former employer committed tens of millions of dollars of wage theft across more than a decade. They settled a class action lawsuit last year with a payout of ~$6 million and a guy I worked with took them on directly and won $65,000.

I'm not sure about that. The only examples given in the article of this actually "working" were from people directly advertising the product. The women in the videos are quite likely to be associates or paid actors, as is the case with most of this stuff on social media. The whole concept of the product relies on the misogynistic myth that women only care about money and/or fame, so to assume the app itself is actually working is kind of implying that you believe there is some truth to that myth.

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Mediatek devices generally have really bad custom ROM support. Historically their chipsets had a reputation for being less efficient, too.

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Where is the xenophobia?

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This was always dickhead behaviour, but not for the reasons you guys are circlejerking about. Often the answers to these questions are extremely easy to find online (even today, Google is nowhere near as useless as people make it out to be). But the entire point of asking other people through social media or a forum is because you want to engage in discussion with other humans. That's literally the entire point of these websites: to foster discussion, both for the sake of learning and for the social entertainment we all need. People who sign up to them and then completely shutdown attempts to start discussions are absolutely braindead and don't understand any of this. Modern forms of social media only encourage this kind of performative social interaction. So many people seem to think the sole purpose of discussion-based social media is to dunk on others with a vicious reply and "win" by earning more points (ratio) instead of having an actual back and forth discussion with another human.

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True, too many people treat phones like a status symbol or fast fashion instead of a tool that should be maintained and used for many years.

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Obviously Wikipedia is not a definitive or 100% accurate source but this sounds like a genuinely positive use of AI to combat misinformation. The people it really needs to reach likely won't use it but it's still a good idea.

The funny bit to me is how obvious they are about restructuring their business model. Netflix clearly wants a greater proportion of their revenue to come from advertisers, so they're charging exorbitant prices for the 4K and, in particular, standard plan while keeping the "ad-supported" plan fairly low. They were probably seeing waves of short-term subscribers in response to big releases and are trying to bait those people into staying subscribed permanently while also milking then through advertisements. I wouldn't be surprised if the standard plan is removed at some point because it's such bad value now.

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It has support for up to 2 TB of removable storage. Did you even bother to read the specifications...?

You don't need to make an account. There is a guest login option.

The shadiest thing I am aware of them doing was the time they added a crypto miner and asked users to choose between that or ads.

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Stremio is pretty easy to setup. You will need to make use of the community add-ons, found here.

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Download the Good Lock app. Lots of interesting stuff to play with in there.

Neither is good, of course, but to someone outside the situation they do impact my view of the company differently.

Which is probably the intended tactic here. Pretend you've been misrepresented as having sold something that isn't yours for profit, then clarify that it was actually just a mix-up and you were trying to do the right thing. People focus on the ethical difference between the strawman scenario you created and what actually happened and think "hey, that's not so bad actually", so you get some forgiveness without ever properly acknowledging the real problem - that you attempted to redistribute something that wasn't yours, without permission from the real owner. Despite Linus's claims, he really doesn't address that at all in his "apology". It's mostly just fake moral grandstanding over "journalistic practices", portraying the person who is reporting on this issue as the true villain.

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Only if you used it in a very surface level way. Smaller, niche subs have always been where the best communities are because they don't attract normies. None of the subreddits I used degraded in quality and I never had issues with moderation. These problems will develop in any online community that bleeds into the mainstream social consciousness.

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This is your scheduled reminder that Musk's companies have a history of faking test footage and results on his direction.

It will be deGoogled soon enough. The Fairphone 4 is supported across several deGoogled versions of Android including CalyxOS, iodéOS, LineageOS, DivestOS and /e/OS. The Fairphone 3 and even the 2 are also supported by some of those operating systems.

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Basically, Epic doesn't want Google to be able to offer anything that other competing app marketplaces can't. That includes exclusive apps

Kinda funny considering Epic has its own history of releasing games that are exclusive to its store.

Save the money you spend on Premium, put it towards direct donations instead. Better for Youtubers, better for community-built FOSS alternatives.

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I use Carnet for simple note taking and Catima as a digital wallet. Wavelet can be used to apply AutoEq to headphones. The presets are generally really good and make smaller and cheaper earphones sound a lot better than they do by default.

I love this new direction his channel is taking. I watch every minute of it at the moment, can't get enough lol

One of my old uni lecturers had Z-Library bookmarked in his browser lol

I also find these fascinating, mainly because I have absolutely no idea why anyone watches them. They look and sound awful and if you maintain just a modicum of patience you can have a significantly better experience a few months later.

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That would break the terms and conditions listed on Deezer's website, giving it the right to terminate your account at any time without notice. Personally I don't really get why you would give your money to a company in this scenario. Pay for it properly or pirate.

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Interesting, I guess we will have to see how quickly and widely this is enforced. I haven't used the official YouTube app for a very long time and have relied heavily on third party alternatives (Vanced/ReVanced, NewPipe, LibreTube, Grayjay). There is absolutely no way I am paying $17 a month for YouTube so I think a family plan would probably be the best option, though at this point I think I'd be more likely to just abandon the platform altogether.

I think you're right to an extent. Everyone wants to believe they are the protagonist, so when they're presented with something that threatens that world view they get very defensive and start attempting all kinds of weird deflections. Louis Rossmann has talked about this in the past on his channel. He takes the rather extreme view that he is always the bad guy by default, but that view does at least acknowledge that he is also not the good guy by default.

That said, I do still think there are aspects of the apology which are insincere and non-accidental attempts to shift the narrative and mislead people about what has actually happened.

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What do you mean by "the government doesn't care"? Do you mean that they are not enforcing copyright protection laws to your knowledge? Or that copyright protection laws don't actually exist in your country at all? If the laws exist but are not being enforced, there is always a possibility that they will be enforced in the future or that a change in government will lead to a change in approach. Your government could also potentially pass new laws in the future that make it easier for foreign entities to go after yourself and other pirates through your local courts.

You need to work out exactly what the law in your country says, what the government's attitude towards piracy is and whether there is a legal precedent in your country for the prosecution of pirates. For example, in Australia we have copyright laws and a government that is at least somewhat committed to upholding them, but we also had a significant court case a little over a decade ago in which it was ruled that the ISP being sued was not responsible for the piracy its users were allegedly engaging in. This essentially set a legal precedent within Australia that allows ISPs to turn a blind eye to piracy and makes it more difficult for foreign entities to prosecute Australian pirates. This is why most court-ordered anti-piracy action within Australia is limited to DNS blocks on websites. As a result, many Australians feel safe torrenting without a VPN because they believe it is very unlikely their ISP could be compelled in court to hand over their information or that there is even the will to attempt this following that high profile defeat in 2012.

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