Comparison of privacy and/or security focused Android ROMs versus "Stock" Android to – 46 points –

I stumbled across this today and thought it was worth sharing. I have used every one of these ROMs except /e/ and they are all good projects in their own right.


TL;DR: GrapheneOS is the best for privacy and security.

Only works on Pixel phones though

Because the Pixel unfortunately is the only secure Android hardware platform

There's nothing inherently safer in Pixels, they are just the only ones that get security updates fast enough for Graphenes taste

Oh yes there is. ARMv9 MTE, Titan M2 secure element supporting Android Verified Boot, StrongBox (, Weaver, Hardware key attestation and Insider attack resistance, as well as a programmable USB controller that allows the user to fully disable USB-C (while the device is locked) on a hardware level. Pixels also have hardware support for full Wi-Fi MAC address randomization, and all radios are completely separated from the main system through IOMMU. I recommend this video, it's a pretty good breakdown of some of the hardware security features + the GrapheneOS privacy/security improvements.

Wow, I had no idea. That makes a lot more sense then, thanks for the sources.

What's the difference between significantly and extensively?

I think it's trying to say that DivestOS has removed more proprietary blobs than the others. Poor wording, I agree.

The link only opened properly in Tor Browser, not Firefox for some reason

That's strange. It behaves normally for me and I'm also using Firefox.

How exactly is AOSP not FOSS and debloated?

Kinda hard to take any of this seriously with those claims...