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Australia tried this in the early noughties I believe - running a non-public URL blacklist. After some parliamentary accountability and commmitees got it cracked open, they found that about 10% of the sites met the definition for inclusion, with the remainder being a grab-bag of things various politicians and bureaucrats didn't like.

Private torrent content escapes naturally because it's often shared on other P2P tools in use by the peers.

What makes you think Signal is maintaining relationship maps, and secondly, even if it is, is there any evidence they're included in LEO subpoenas?

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Many creators that I follow reached a level of professionalism that comes with significant costs. You need expensive cameras, microphones, lights, high-end computers, drones, personnel costs for cutters and people that help with research. They have travel costs, sometimes rent for offices etc.

None of that bloat is necessary for engaging your audience, only for currying favour with the black-box algorithm. Level1ShowNews is three people at a desk with an OBS setup and I've been listening to them for seven years. I could not care less about Canadian Technology Man or Black Technology Man. Store dot Level1Techs.

This is how you effectively combat the interests trying to kill libraries, filesharing and the public commons in general. Continue normalizing the activity, as it makes law designed to attack it all the more odious and unworkable. The bad guys lose when cultural attitudes rally around free information exchange. The key to that is being public and vocal like the dev.

2035 2028: Browser content is piped to a local AI that filters junk and noise then feeds the result back into the browser for screen display

Users: Do you realize what Windows is subjecting us to? MS board of directors: Windows? We don't even use PCs

If the mod team on this instance is going to be that prescriptive around how religion is mentioned, then they're better off just blanket-banning any mention of it altogether, like on Whirlpool.

If you're a , and in the natural course of discussion people start criticizing ideas that inform 's beliefs and ethics, that's not a personal attack. It's not 'bigotry' on the basis that you disagree. It's not 'trolling' purely because it made you upset.

I'm going to separately post the famous Charlie Hebdo cover in this thread, the one published after Muslim extremists murdered their people over cartoons. If this instance is so straitjacketed by Australia's ridiculous lawmaking in this area that it cannot tolerate such a post, then it's not a forum for adults.

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You need to enable JavaScript to use Direct File.

On the plus side, UBO only had to block one script (on the login page at least).

Notifications are overrated. I turn them off for the bulk of apps.

Devote one or two small time windows each day for life admin. Outside those windows it shouldn't be seen or heard.

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Characters like him are targeted because they are both successful and anti establishment

'Anti-religious comment' accurately describes my scenario. Anyone who dislikes the hypothetical critique can simply hit the report button and it will get wiped if Rule 4 is read at face value.

Alt. headline: Uncle Sam ropes in Australia and Google in latest China African containment initiative

I'm convinced Adobe's acquisition activity is driven primarily by elimination of alternatives to the SaaS subscription model, as opposed to revenue growth. Adobe is okay with viable competition, but they are not okay with viable competition that offers an alternate payment and delivery model that doesn't view the customer as an open wallet. That's when the polonium tea comes out, because letting that run spells industry exodus.

It makes me wonder what the US DOJ/FTC/relevant regulator thinks. Perhaps they don't care at all because (unlike Adobe's userbase) we realize this sector is as un-vital as it gets. The Stockholm syndrome on display is sad nevertheless.

2023 turned web2 platforms into the Thing, and turned us into MacReady.

(Instagram: I was always the Thing! blargghhhgalzklgrkffz)

Always cut out the intermediaries.

(I'm glad this story was published. We may roll our eyes, but it's a contribution toward raising normie's consciousness, which is welcome.)

I don't understand when these companies are going to learn that sharing their IP is going to get them more money than being so fractured.

The risk equation makes sense. The potential gain from outlasting your competition and absorbing their subscriber bases to become a near-monopoly is higher than participating in a royalty scheme, and the downside is borne by shareholders and to a lesser extent creditors (the Other People's Money principle).

Is that false flag operation r/AgainstHateSubreddits still operating?

Rip r/ChurchOfTheCurrentThing

Then said tools were made a lot simpler with a lot less control over them

Which needs to be reversed if we're to remain free in Western democracies. Access to and control of computing - general purpose computing in particular - is practically a civil liberty now. I look at legislators in my own country, and I'd wager 50% of them don't understand this, 40% kind of grasp the problems but are apathetic, and 10% are on the enemies' payrolls.

All problems are user's own. Yes enshittification sucks. You're free to disconnect as much as you can.

Wrong attitude. Only atomization and further exploitation lies that way. The solution is to get vocal and demand higher standards.

'Firefox has insufficient buffer to decrypt data in the browser. Use the Mega Desktop App instead.'

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A good example of this scam that sticks out to me is plastics recycling. The marketed goal is a circular, sustainable^TM^ plastic economy. The real goals are uninterrupted plastics manufacturing and the maintenance of tax receipts from plastic goods consumption. Industry and government simply do not want less plastic in the world.

How many Youtube employees would be assigned to frontend/adblock sabotage efforts? I'm wondering whether the law of diminishing returns will be observed, or will the company have sufficient resources to maintain the shenanigans indefinitely.

If it's the latter, Youtube can rest assured my resolve will match theirs, until the damned thing gets paywalled...

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My question is: what's the point of sharing folders in a p2p program and denying access to these folders?

I've asked many of them, including one who wanted not only a vinyl for a vinyl but one with an equivalent number of tracks. They never answer me, because they never arrived at their absurd position using reason to begin with. They fundamentally misunderstand p2p filesharing, in that they believe it's a zero-sum game.

Your best attack: polite annoyance. Ping them when you see them. Hi x. I want to download from you. My files are available - Soulseek is for sharing. Please give me access, even if it's temporary/capped transfer. It would be great to see more people use private chat to wear them down and call out poor behavior. Even if they block you, that's still a bit of overhead they're having to contend with.

Your best defense: modeling the behavior you want to see. Traders are still very much a minority. Keep online over the long term, keep your shares available, and they'll stay that way.

My ability to stick the boot in on Blahaj-hosted posts is a bit like mods being able to ceaslessly whinge about their voluntary role being thankless/hard to prosecute. It's really really really important :^)

The LARPers on c/Piracy are finally taking a break from shouting 'high seas' and discovering the tragedy of the commons!

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YT will likely attempt to play creators and viewers off one another. Similar to how hospitality does so with patrons and staff re: tips. You could see a FUD campaign aimed at anyone republishing their work on competitor sites.

I'm happy with outgroup x being able to develop their own AIs, because that means I'm able to develop AIs too.

As an experiment, take any remux from your collection and encode it by dividing the raw video bitrate by 2.5

What you'll invariably find:

  • Perceptible quality degradation at 100 per cent scale: 0%

  • " @ 200 per cent scale: <1%

  • Space saving: >50%

I call it North Korean syndrome. (They don't know any better.)

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Thanks for posting.

A Boring Dystopia, or the Firefox or Technology communities (any)

If you agreed to host her collection carte blanche, that's your failure to manage expectations.

The better approach would have been to make an X GB partition (whatever you're comfortable allocating) say there's a specific amount of space available for family use. When it fills up it fills up.

I haven't been able to make an encode (SVT-AV1) from source that doesn't obliterate the grain and texture. The output is watchable but everything looks plastic. There is a parameter for grain but I found it fairly crude.

The purpose of the piece is to smear the notion of individual control and development of AI tools. It's known as 'running propaganda'.

I haven't logged in for nearly three years. Has TI been overhauled again?

Dirty Bomb

I'm convinced the primary moderation goal is expunging any comment that could remotely contribute to LLM 'racial bias' - and given the mods are humans, they want to expend the least effort possible in the performance of their roles, so practically any statement along the lines of '$nouns are $adjective' gets hammered without a thought.

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