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Joined 1 years ago

How the heck do people with 4TB SD cards do data hygiene wipes of their medium before crossing international borders?

They don't

This is an extra service they don’t have to offer.

No, they could let you use someone else's service instead, but they've chosen to block that.

you can back it up to your computer as well

According to the article you literally can't

Although based on the comments there, the article may be wrong on that point

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That's not at all the same thing. That requires downscaling some screens, which makes everything blurry and breaks subpixel AA.

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It's not gonna be better than turning the screen off.

Expect updates to a lot of things in the near future.

And also a lot of things that remain unpatched for years

The problem is the previous one only has 2G, and the 2G networks will soon be shut down, hence why they're making a 4G version.

Or are GPUs particularly bad at branches.

Yes. GPUs don't have per-core branching, they have dozens of cores running the same instructions. So if some cores should run the if branch and some run the else branch, all cores in the group will execute both branches, and mask out the one they shouldn't have run. I also think they they don't have the advanced branch prediction CPUs have.,_multiple_threads

r/Nofans is now a passive PC cooler subreddit.

That should be a nice complement to r/onlyfans, which has previously refocused to pictures of fans (though it's still private)

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And the branchless version may end up being slower on the CPU, because the compiler does a better job optimizing the branching version.

Motorola and Nokia have phones with 3.5mm jack, and they come with pretty clean Android, without a bunch of bloat, aggressive task killers and whatnot. Though I can't speak for camera, photosphere or repairability.

Pixels are good in some ways, but of course, those don't come with a 3.5mm jack.

It's probably not the same people. Microsoft is a big company

It's not just about quality (AAC is perfectly fine quality-wise), it's IMHO more about the extreme latency, and the fact that they have to to drop down to terrible-sounding HSP/HSP when using the microphone, since A2DP is monodirectional. Sucks that they don't support LE Audio.

KDE already does have the same thing in its settings

I find it ridiculous to have a car tied to a specific mobile OS

I used to use it, but then I switched to MPV, as it works a lot better with hardware acceleration. MPV supports more methods for hardware decoding (e.g. nvdec), and also MPV will keep the frames in VRAM when doing hardware decoding, and do additional processing and presentation using the GPU, while VLC copies everything back to system RAM and processes the frame on the CPU.

At the time I switched hardware decoding with copy-back would actually result in twice the CPU usage compared to software decoding, but that was a long time ago. Also, I would get tearing in VLC and not in MPV.

Figured I'd do the math on the power required.

In the article, they show a iPhone 15 Pro, which has a 3274 mAh battery, so let's go with that. Assuming a 3.7 V battery and a 1 minute charging time, that's 3274 mAh × 3.7 V / 1 min ≈ 727 W.

And the conditions are still better than what the collective agreements would require?

And that's when they tell you what you did wrong. Sometimes they'll reject the password without telling you why, because of some rule they didn't list. For example, I set a password in a parking app (Flowbird) which had an unmentioned restriction against spaces and Swedish letters (dispite targeting the Swedish market). Also, it lets you set a fairly long password, but when you try to log in on their webpage they've set maxlength="32" on the password field. So if you have a longer password you have to edit the DOM and remove that attribute to log in.

I assume you're gonna back that up with a double blind ABX test?

Why do you feel the need to install an app for a coffee shop?

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That one was always available though

How about Qt

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So it's not really a 4K 1000Hz screen then, if it's just togglable between being a 4k 240 Hz screen and a 1080p 1000 Hz screen.

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They really should get together and come up with some standard protocol, instead of having cars use proprietary protocols tied to a specific mobile OS.

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There is no mouse unless you're watching on a PC

When would this be triggered? Could it be used during kennel panics?

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Not even better, it's actually a downgrade from its predecessor in terms of refresh rate and SoC, going from 165 Hz to 144 Hz, and from a Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 to a Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 (which also means it drops AV1 hardware decoding, which its predecessor had).

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Another alternative then would be Restic. That's what I'm using for backups

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Android devices sold in the EU display a warning when headphones are connected and the user tries to raise the output volume level above 85 dB

No the don't, they pop that up when you try to raise the volume above some arbitrary percentage. What volume that corresponds to depends on the audio hardware, it might be barely audible. And now they're apparently gonna make that crap even worse.

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Maybe they just meant that it runs ARM binaries instead of running on Rosetta 2.

A bit late. It's more that two years old, and it's based on a SoC that was a year old when it was launched

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It's about damn time

If you develop on windows, will give you prebuilt openjdk.

Only if you know it exists. It's not something that comes up when searching for it.

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Already daily driving it on my laptop, which uses AMD graphics, and my work laptop, which uses Intel graphics. For Nvidia, there's missing explicit sync (which should be fixed soon), and Steam completely freaking out (might get fixed by explicit sync). Kwin also seems a bit unstable on Nvidia, but I haven't tested it for extended periods of time.

I also have a computer with display on an Nvidia card via reverse prime, which suffers performance issues on Wayland. Might be improved on Plasma 6, but that computer runs OpenSUSE Leap, so it won't get that for some time.

There is also the issue of picture-in-picture, but that can be worked around with Kwin rules.

Sounds like a typical COBOL dev

ePub is basically just a limited HTML page in a zip file (plus a bunch of metadata and CSS styles), and ePub 3 can contain audio and video elements embedded in the text, just like a webpage. With the most basic usage, it would just show up as an audio player in the middle of the text, no sync. But there is also a media overlay thing I haven't looked much into that looks like it provides sync.

If you go to the page without the trailing slash, the images don't load

Pretty much everything plays AAC though (unless it's some cheap mp3 player)

AAC-LC is patent free too nowadays (not HE-AAC, but that's mainly useful for low-bitrate stuff).

Nothing has really changed for Nouveau yet.

A while back they released an open-source kernel driver for Turing and later (well, really they moved most of the driver to an on-GPU processor called the GSP, and released a kernel driver that's a shim between the GSP and the userspace driver), and that opens the possibility for better open-source drivers in the future (Collabora is working on an open-source Vulkan driver for Nvidia, NVK, and Nouveau is working on making use of the GSP firmware), but it hasn't changed anything for practical purposes yet.