It's time to stop thinking plastic phones can't be premium to – 172 points –

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True, too many people treat phones like a status symbol or fast fashion instead of a tool that should be maintained and used for many years.

A tool can also be premium, and there is definitely a difference between an average phone and a premium phone.
The problem is all the nonsense about the premium FEEL, it's not a feature when it degrades durability, or requires a cover that removes that premium feel anyway. Glass covers are also more slippery, making it more likely to drop out of a pocket or hand bag or even your hands.
Glass is detrimental in every way for usability, just the extra weight of it, makes drops more likely to cause damage. All the reviewers that push "The Premium Feel" without consideration to the downsides, like being slippery, adding weight, being more fragile and making the phone slightly more bulky, should be banned from making reviews.

Yes, I completely agree on the complicity of reviewers parroting the same PR buzzwords in every single review. It definitely feels like they have played their part in normalising many of these objectively bad and anti-consumer design decisions.

pandering to reviewers who use the phones for a couple of days instead of actual consumers who want to use it for a few years is probably the stupidest thing they do in this industry

give me a fucking replaceable battery so i can use it for more than a couple of years, stop removing features we all use just so it can feel futuristic and new. give me a repairable fucking phone.

like holy shit please take this off the hands of bean counting capitalists and marketers, and please put computers back in the hands of engineers.

Absolutely, but I think they feel they have to, to get good reviews.

It's time to stop thinking a phone should be premium

too many people treat phones like a status symbol

Honestly just be glad you're not among those misguided and move on.

Good philosophy. I've found that I'm much happier on the internet since I stopped being bothered about other people being "wrong". I cannot save the world, but if I can help out a few people then that's enough.