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Loads of people love to pretend an NPP is just a hut with a magic gem inside delivering an endless amount of power for free. In reality they are huge, highly complex, high-security facilities that take decades and billions to build and need to be operated and maintained by loads of highly trained staff in 24/7 shift operations. This isn't to downplay their merit of providing CO2 emission free power, but for the love of god please appreciate the enormous effort and expense this is achieved with, especially when comparing it to renewables.

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I mean, I bet they did, but you can't test it with all the photos ever taken of you. Someone probably tried dozens of photos to get this result. Which, to be clear, I admire.

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People think that's a killer argument against heat pumps when it absolutely isn't.

In that sort of climate you get a hybrid system or just leave your old furnace in as backup. You'll use the furnace for the couple of days/weeks when it is below -25c/-13f and use the heat pump for the 6 months around that time window and save huge amounts of energy because you only use the heat pump when it's most efficient. A hybrid system will improve efficiency because it combines the technologies at transition temps while just keeping the old furnace as backup is obviously much cheaper, since you can also get a smaller unit than you normally would because you don't have to worry about the coldest period.

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Yiddish is not my native language but I think this one is so good it absolutely deserves a mention:

All of your teeth shall fall out except one that gives you a massive toothache.

Licensed Insurance Agent

I hear that too. Not just politicians, there's loads of experts lecturing on heating technologies. It's just too cold in Germany for heat pumps. Doesn't stop Scandinavia from getting them, granted, but in Germany it's just too cold. No point. Sorry.

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I wish it was only useless:(

Seconds later, he continued, “Doc Ronny Johnson. Does everyone know Ronny Johnson, congressman from Texas? He was the White House doctor, and he said I was the healthiest president, he feels, in history, so I liked him very much indeed immediately."

All of this would be the funniest shit ever if it wasn't so dangerous to world politics.

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I mean, it says cybertruck parts, not the whole thing including assembly. Certainly possible for some manufacturing processes under given conditions to produce parts with ±0.005 tolerances like laser cutting or precision CNC machining of small dimensions. But it's obviously completely unrealistic given that most parts for a car will be of large-ish dimensions and stamped, injection molded, cast, forged, extruded... none of which lends itself to IT grades better than 10, far away from talking about microns.

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"Black, green, peppermint, chamomile, melissa, ginger?"

10 minutes later you get a hot cup with a bag in it, no clue how long it's been sitting in there already. Usually a bag of sugar and/or a cookie on the saucer.


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F-App Store

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Joke's on them I don't tap I swipe

And what is the problem with a gas hybrid heat pump? It's an ideal solution for places that get very cold, use the gas furnace for the weeks when it's below -5 and use the heat pump for many months around that. It's one of the most efficient ways to use a heat pump as you don't have to bully it through the coldest part of winter with very bad COPs, you're only using it when it's most efficient. And when your heating period is very long, that will only benefit your seasonal COP. So of course it's more expensive than a simple furnace, but it will also save loads of energy and redeem itself after 5-10 years.

The best part about this is you already have an AC, aka a heat pump, but you don't use it for heating?

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A split system AC is a heat pump in any context. So is a refrigerator. They're all the same technology that move energy via a refrigerant's latent heat by compressing it into a warm part and letting it expand into a cold part.

Okay, I suppose you wouldn't do that when replacing and old furnace but rather go for a hybrid system. In Europe loads of people are reacting to hiked gas prices and have perfectly fine furnaces in place that they don't want to get rid of.

You'd usually run two or more units in a cascade/multiplex when requiring large amounts of power rather than having one giant unit. Means you can turn off one or more units entirely for low heating demand.

How could that possibly happen? Do you left-foot-brake?

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In Germany this will likely still be a controversial take in 2026. Our political right managed to shift this debate into ideology territory and a good chunk of people believe heat pumps are environmentalists' fever dreams that don't really work in cold Germany.

Damn. The other day I received a notification from my local post app about something very important that has landed in my PO box when I had just arrived at home from work. I was curious and checked my emails for the exact time stamp of the delivery, turns out it was not "just now" like my Android notification implied but 12 minutes ago. Incidentally, 12 minutes ago was pretty much exactly when I cycled past my PO box being really disappointed that my package hasn't been delivered yet, or so I thought at the time. Had to go back when I could've just picked it up on the original trip.

Stupid me thought it was the "optimised" per-app battery setting vs "unrestricted" that would control this.

Thanks for pointing this out OP!

Rubbish. With around 75-80 dB at 25 meters, high speed trains at 300 kph are about as loud as 6 lane highways, and unlike the highway that is for less than 6 seconds to a stationary observer. A V8 formula one car was ear damagingly loud at more than 130 dB.

edit: Here's a German ICE train going 300 kph through a station if anyone wants to get a rough idea of how a modern high speed train sounds relatively up close.

and the brake pedal in an automatic is the width of both pedals in a manual

Yeah... no.

The clutch would be to the left of both pedals in an automatic. Your foot rests in the empty space left of the brake pedal, usually there's some kind of footrest roughly where the clutch would be. If anything you'd slam on that rest. Lifting your left foot off that rest (where the clutch you intend to slam would be) to hit the center pedal (which is where the brake is in any car) makes zero sense as a potential mixup. Not to mention it would feel extremely unnatural to operate a pedal so far right with your left foot if you tried.

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Didn't need to set up anything, it was on and worked by default.

Our cities are too old to be build with cars in mind.

Vast parts of the cities I lived in were completely bulldozed to accommodate cars.

if your energy cost for that source of power is high, it’s going to lose the financial argument every time.

How high, is the question. How much more is electricity where you live that heat pumps "lose the financial argument every time"? Where I'm from a kWh of electricity is roughly 2.8-3x that of natural gas, so most modern heat pumps will beat that, some by quite a margin.

If is to be trusted and Canadian natural gas is 0.063 CAD and electricity is 0.165 CAD you're very much in the same boat with a 2.6 ratio. Most heat pumps should be able to beat a 2.6 SCOP even in Canada.

So, sure, the study only looks at COPs and not at overall cost, but I think it's not unreasonable to expect home owners to be able to divide electricity price by gas price and compare it to the SCOP of heat pumps on offer.

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Slight correction, he is a liberal, not a libertarian.

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Yeah, no need whatsoever to eat cramped too tightly around a table.

average cyclist can sprint to over 30 mph

I'm on the fitter end of average cyclists and I certainly can't reach 30 mph without a gradient or massive tailwind. In normal conditions an average cyclist can reach 20 mph under quite a lot of effort, not much more.

In the EU, ebikes are limited to 16 mph and I think that's plenty to cause lots of accidents with elderlies not being used to such speeds. 20 mph e-support limit is quite fast, but it's still fine I guess.

This is a Benutzer. It be NUTZs you.


That's the whole point, what good would it be to compare equivalent vehicles, when people don't drive equivalent vehicles? They drive bigger and heavier vehicles on average, negating efficiency gains of newer vehicles.

Shouldn't really happen because it only alerts for Airtags that are not with their owner. Then again, they only just released the ability to share an Airtag among multiple iPhone users, so false positives in public transport could be shared Airtags that are with people who haven't set up that feature yet.

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That is not my understanding. The description for the manual scan specifically mentions trackers "that are separated from their owners" A colleague and I only found this sentence after having tried it for quite some time with an Airtag on his keyring. He then turned on airplane mode on his iPhone and my Pixel immediately found the Airtag. (We couldn't make it ring tho, which was offered to me)

So I still believe the case you are describing is Airtags not with their owners. Maybe kids with Airtags connected to their parents' phones. And like I said, the new feature where multiple people can connect to one Airtag might alleviate (not entirely fix obviously) that issue.

While y'all here:

is there a terminal emulator that has "modern" text entry controls while still having tab completion? Like selecting text by going shift+leftarrow or deleting whole words by holding ctrl+backspace/del or replacing whole words that are selected while pasting text rather than it pasting at the point where the curser is at the start of selected text so you still have to manually delete the original characters. Maybe Undo, redo with ctrl (shift) z...

Stuff like that. Just wondering. I always find it very cumbersome to fiddle with long commands especially if they contain long paths that you want to modify. Lots of backspace and arrow-keys hitting for every single character..

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Too cold, too cold...

That's the best part, when you meet people of the language you are learning you can say the odd quirky shit from Duolingo and they'll absolutely love it. What, you are an apple?? A dog is wearing three pullovers?? More relevant for beginners who can say a handful of stuff but can't yet hold a proper conversation.

It's not like Duolingo is just randomly generated sentences that make no sense either. They are carefully sprinkled in to break up the routine and make it a bit of fun.

I'm still standing


Opposed to running fossile fuels alongside renewables.

But that's literally what you're gonna have to do for 20+ years if you decide to go both ways and also build new nuclear plants. Put all your budget into renewables at once and you instantly cut down on the fossil fuel you'd otherwise burn while waiting for your reactor to go online, all while you're saving money from the cheap energy yield which you can reinvest into more renewables or storage R&D to eventually overcome the requirement to run something alongside it.


Brilliant lol