Trump pitch to oil companies turns off two-thirds of likely voters, poll finds [Saul Elbein | 05/21/24 | The Hill] to politics – 218 points –
Trump pitch to oil companies turns off two-thirds of likely voters, poll finds

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Almost 6 in 10 likely voters surveyed — 58 percent — said they were “concerned” about a second Trump term after hearing about the former president’s reported offer to undo broad swaths of President Biden’s climate policies, according to polling by Data for Progress and Climate Power.

The group’s new poll surveyed 1,231 likely voters from May 10-13, with a margin of error of 3 percentage points.


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First Past the Post in case anyone doesn't know what FPTP stands for. It's the type of voting we have in the US.

It's also not ever going to change because it would take a constitutional amendment and the last fucking thing we need is a constitutional convention when the GOP controls close to 2/3 of states. It could only make everything worse.

An amendment could also be proposed if two thirds of both houses request it. Of course, that would be cutting their own throats so they won't do that. Even if it did, the amendment would have to be "ratified by three-fourths of the State legislatures, or three-fourths of conventions called in each State for ratification." So, yeah, not gonna happen.

Yeah the current best bet is to pass RCV in as many states as possible. Which while it may fracture both parties I suspect it would most effect the Republicans since they are reliant on single issue voters. Said sibgle issue viters could be for example pulled towards a pro-gun socialist for example.