More than half of Americans think the U.S. is in a recession. It's not. to – 122 points –

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Heard some people at my work complain about a change enacted 5 or so years ago. They blamed Obama.

Wait until they figure out their taxes will go up because of the 2017 tax breaks the Republicans gave the rich and themselves.

Bet they blame Obama for that as well lmao

That might not be wrong though? Plenty of presidents will sign a law that only goes into affect in so many years.

That might not be wrong though?

Was Obama president 5 years ago?

We'd need to know the exact change being referenced. There are lots of couldas. Don't get me wrong, I agree that it's possible, but there's not much to discuss without more info.

So Obama did not enact laws that only took affect years later?

Unilaterally? No, nothing Trump couldn't have changed with the stroke of a pen. Could Congress have? Sure. Did they in this case? Who knows. Is Obama specifically to blame? Very unlikely.

Unilaterally? No nothings like that, but thats how laws work. And another things laws tend to do is give a window of correction to abide by such laws. And you seem to discount that.

Im negative for saying the truth? Hah either idiots or shills. Lick my balls.