Email is Dead to – 14 points –

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I'm not sure AI would work for detecting spam using email contents so surely it would use other metrics.. and if it does, it's just become another email filter. I don't think that solution would help much.

I think ultimately email failed as a federated service because in general people do not care about email. They just want to use it to login to services, get one time codes, receipts and maybe if they're fancy - a newsletter.

From a personal perspective, I absolutely agree - I only check my email when I'm specifically expecting something, which is rarely. But at work emails are still incredibly important.

Are there any protocols/services designed specifically for one time codes? Receipts? I think something that's dedicated to those kinds of tasks would be great from an ease-of-use perspective - no more messing about waiting for delivery, searching through hordes of emails, checking spam folder, etc.

Another problem we have is the rise of oauth - the core idea is great, but the reality is that it ties a lot of people to these Big Tech services.

Yeah regarding the first part, for the most part I'm the same way. I don't care about email. But my work absolutely does. And it's a big part of our communication, moreso now that we are full wfh

For OTP, most people would recommend using TOTP. I don't think there's a solution for receipts.

AI's been in use in commercial anti-spam for quite a while now - and on the flip side is also being used by the spam senders. Just another front on the unending war.

But spam (and phishing, and all malware) happens because humans get fooled by it. No reason to think AI will be any smarter.