Me, who doesn't use 'AI' to Lemmy – 326 points –

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Have you tried practising? I write pretty legible when I don’t hurry too much, school really drilled that into me.

If you have some time on your hands you could look at some online sources and get your game on!

Meh. That sounds like effort.

If you ever do write with pen and paper, it takes little effort to focus on just one improvement. A first step could be to try to get a consistent height of letters. When I'm in a hurry my "o" and "i" become way smaller than, say, "e". Just a quick look when you're done writing and a reflection like "next time I'll try to make this letter as tall as that letter when I write". When all lower case letter are as tall, focus on something else, like ascender height or baseline. Maybe your "l" tilts more than your "t", then that's a good thing to fix. One small step at a time.