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Joined 10 months ago

The founder of GNOME, Miguel de Icaza, stopped using Linux in favor of macOS in 2014 iirc. That makes me guess that the macOS design was at least acceptable to him. Maybe the visions were similar enough.

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Oh, bummer.

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I understand, and it's a great thing that we all can decide our experience. About the maker community, I guess the other option is to just create it and see what happens. If beehaw is defederated with many other instances, it would limit potential spread (again, this might be a desired outcome), but maybe it would fit in here: or a similar instance?
I would be interested in a maker community, right now I'm subscribed to various niche ones like lasercutting, microcontroller, etc.

There's ! with 400 subscribers, and not much action. But if you start adding more posts, maybe others will too.

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plain TeX is a joy to use, but you must really understand boxes and glue etc on a deep level. LaTeX makes that easier, but at the cost of extreme complexity internally (compare the output routines for example.)

The author of JSLint wrote:
"So I added one more line to my license, was that, "the Software shall be used for Good, not Evil." And thought: I've done my job!
Also about once a year, I get a letter from a lawyer, every year a different lawyer, at a company. I don't want to embarrass the company by saying their name, so I'll just say their initials, "IBM," saying that they want to use something that I wrote, 'cause I put this on everything I write now. They want to use something that I wrote and something that they wrote and they're pretty sure they weren't gonna use it for evil, but they couldn't say for sure about their customers. So, could I give them a special license for that?

So, of course!

So I wrote back---this happened literally two weeks ago---I said, "I give permission to IBM, its customers, partners, and minions, to use JSLint for evil." "

A good story about a bad day doesn't have to be about complaining. It can be about learning from mistakes, a strange irony, the absurdity of coinciding factors, etc.

There are some old interviews with George RR Martin where people ask him about various characters, and GRRM would adjust his pronounciation to match the person asking the question. So he's pronouncing names differently in different interviews depending on how others pronounce them. I wonder if it is to make the other person comfortable, or if he just doesn't have a canon pronounciation.

Getting paid in money is one motivation for people, but not the only one. Some people do things because they want to, regardless of payment. And some of them want to give what they made as a gift to anyone. The flip side is that no one can force them to do anything, it's all voluntary.

I wanted to try inserting and removing kernel modules, so I looked around and thought "well, I don't have a USB stick in right now so I can safely try removing the usb kernel module." So I did that, and after pressing enter I realized my keyboard is connected with USB.

To increase their UNIX skills.

Similarly, the viking rune "alphabet" is called the Futhark, because the first letters are pronounced F, U, Þ, A, R, K.

The ice sheet covering northern europe started to melt away, and with that we got what is called "glacial erratics". Rocks had traveled from once place to another, and then settled. In Sweden we call those "giants throw", because it was assumed that the only way those big rocks could be where they are was if a giant had thrown it.

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thread as in threaded posts as opposed to other parts of the fediverse with another layout. it's not about the instance Threads, but the type of fediverse service allowing a lemmy/kbin type of conversation.

The story begins with a man doing the things described in the picture. He is puzzled and becomes interested in finding out more about it. His wife is not very happy about it. It's easy to get lost in a new hobby. Other people have written their opinions on the strange house, and those are included.

I will never buy anything with Nvidia again.

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This is paraphrasing a swedish politician called Annie Lööf. She has been made fun of and ridiculed for that phrase for a long time.
However, that's not what she said. The context was simplifying rules and regulations for companies, and she was asked if fewer rules would make it easier for companies to do illegal things. Her answer was: "In Sweden it has since long been illegal to run a business with criminal intent, and that will continue." This "criminal intent" is the difficult part. If I buy and sell antiques that's one thing, if I buy and sell stolen goods, that's another. The difference is criminal intent.

If Debian fails in the same predictable way every time, for the same reason, it could be argued that it's very stable, just not functional :) What kind of hardware do you use by the way?

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Which features are you looking for beyond what can be done on Debian?

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There might be a significant number of users here waiting for everyone else to switch over to lemmy. If you start a niche community, it's a little easier for someone else to be like "It's kind of empty, but it exists on lemmy too." What you need is a critical mass of people. It usually takes time and effort to reach that, and someone must be first.

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It should be !

"Imply" can mean an indirect suggestion, but it can also mean a logical necessity. Such is language, unfortunately.

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You are more than welcome to remove the need for any passwords at all on the linux systems you admin. Good thing about free software is that you decide how you want it, hack up or put up.

I think the point isn't to sort out all interactions and travels, but rather to convey the feeling that "this has gotten out of hand". I interpret the confusion to be the intended message.

2×6 is more like 15 for very large values of 2. If things never changed, we wouldn't need calculus even.

curl is a good tool to have in general, you can install it with sudo apt install curl

On most modern systems nothing happens, you get a warning that it's dangerous, and if you really want to you have to run it with an extra flag.

Maybe some inspiration from how OpenBSD handles users requesting features.
"No one deserves anything from us. /../ The developers in this project do the best they can"
"If you expected any of us to reply as if we are contractors or your employees, you came to the wrong place."

Maybe Debian with a wm? I like cwm, but there are many to choose from. You can add pretty much any cool feature on top.

When I used arch (btw) the only thing I did was using arch. Configuring vim, the tiling wm, editing scripts to automate configuring arch. It was all circular. Arch is the best system for the task of configuring arch, tbh.

Maybe theology is discussions about OpenBSD founder Theo de Raadt.

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ntfs is a windows filesystem, so you'd have the same problem in windows if you used a linux filesystem that isn't supported out of the box by the windows os.

It's unusual to see the rounded r (ꝛ) after an a.

I bet some of those people use neovim instead of the more unix philosophy ed.

Stable means unchanging, so probably never. If it's just cosmetic with no new functionality, maybe, but usually not.

I think it's a win. For most people the computer is a tool to look up information and communicate, etc. If they can do that with free software, we all benefit, even if they don't fall down the rabbit hole and spend endless nights configuring tiling window managers and arguing about vi vs emacs.
Lately I've felt an itch to put together a manual for these people, a sort of "Linux for people who don't really care about Linux"-manual. The problem I guess is that they are not likely to seek out a manual to begin with.

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If ads are pushed into ed(1), then it truly is everything. But, as long as Theo is the leader of OpenBSD, we will always have a free operating system.

"You mean I just made a very complicated array-manipulating way of calculating (2^n)-1?"

Ads and data scraping? If we can't survive without that I would rather go back to usenet, irc, and mailing lists etc.

They were great in Coffee and cigarrettes.

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