Unexpected Keyboard or Super Tux Kart tough choice
I hadn't heard of Super Tux Kart so I just went and tried it out and man...it seems awesome but the control schemes are all so incredibly awful. Do you know if there's controller support?
I have no clue, but hope at least a DS4 would work
edit: someone on yt has been able to wire up an xinput controller, so there's something at least
oh wow, unexpected keyboard is amazing for termux/Linux
Unexpected Keyboard or Super Tux Kart tough choice
I hadn't heard of Super Tux Kart so I just went and tried it out and man...it seems awesome but the control schemes are all so incredibly awful. Do you know if there's controller support?
I have no clue, but hope at least a DS4 would work
edit: someone on yt has been able to wire up an xinput controller, so there's something at least
oh wow, unexpected keyboard is amazing for termux/Linux