(NSFW) Israel releases film of women soldiers being taken by Hamas on Oct. 7

speaker_hat@lemmy.one to World News@lemmy.world – 12 points –

The footage shows the young women, all of them stunned and some bloodied, being bound and bundled into a jeep.

One of the gunmen can be heard shouting back in Arabic: "You are dogs! We will step on you, dogs!"

Another gunman tells a captive: "You're beautiful."

Archive: https://archive.md/aKqUL

Full footage (NSFW): https://yewtu.be/watch?v=BB8uGxQ1MqQ


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Paywalled, but the word does have some subtle sexual connotations: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/05/israel-hamas-female-captives-sabaya-translation/678505/

EDIT: Try this link

Okay Graeme wood of the atlantic. jesus christ I cant believe hasbara got to lemmy

Lol I'm neither Graeme Wood nor am I associated with Israel in any way. At the start of this conflict I was much more pro-Israel but it's been clear that they don't care one iota about minimizing civilian causalities (or worse, they do care but in the opposite direction). But being anti-Hamas doesn't make you pro-Israel - sometimes there are conflicts where both armed sides absolutely suck and civilians are stuck in the middle, and this is one of them.

you can be anti hamas without lying too. The problem is that the atlantic is a zionist publication and they grasp at anything to make their case.

Take it from an arabic speaker. Saying this ONE WORD said to SOLDIERS OF AN ENEMY ARMY has sexual connotations is the equivalent of saying the english words “captive” or “prisoner” mean you’re going to rape that person.

Well if you're a prisoner going to Guantanamo it does mean exactly that.