What is the Legal copyright on a Lemmy Post?

gedaliyah@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 89 points –

Most instances don't have a specific copyright in their ToS, which is basically how copyright is handled on corporate social media (Meta/X/Reddit owns license rights to whatever you post on their platform when you click "Agree"). I've noticed some people including Copyright notices in posts (mostly to prevent AI use). Is this necessary, or is the creator the automatic copyright owner? Does adding the copyright/license information do anything?

Please note if you have legal credentials in your reply. (I'm in the USA, but I'd be interested to hear about other jurisdictions if there are differences)


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at the very least it’s way less annoying to see it on a website than it is under every comment

You're free to block those that use the license, if you find it annoying to see.

~Anti~ ~Commercial-AI~ ~license~ ~(CC~ ~BY-NC-SA~ ~4.0)~

You're free to reply to a week-old comment, too, but neither is a great idea

You’re free to reply to a week-old comment, too, but neither is a great idea

Actually, five days, not a week.

And also, sometimes its just about making a point, even if you stumble upon something later on. 🤷

~Anti~ ~Commercial-AI~ ~license~ ~(CC~ ~BY-NC-SA~ ~4.0)~

What is that point?

What is that point?

at the very least it’s way less annoying to see it on a website than it is under every comment

You’re free to block those that use the license, if you find it annoying to see.

~Anti~ ~Commercial-AI~ ~license~ ~(CC~ ~BY-NC-SA~ ~4.0)~

The point you felt was worth making a week later is that I am free to block someone who does something I find kind of annoying?

That seems a little extreme to me. Why would you encourage that?

The point you felt was worth making a week later

Again, five days ago. Some people like myself stumble upon a post/comment days and days later from when its initially posted.

is that I am free to block someone who does something I find kind of annoying?

Yeah, for some reason people who complain about me using a license seem to keep forgetting that option, but instead just continue to complain, for some strange reason, no matter how many times I remind them of that option. Thought it was a good PSA to remind the complainers they they have alternatives to complaining.

That seems a little extreme to me.

If that seems extreme to you, then you need to touch grass more often.

Extreme would be continuing to complain about something that you have the power to change, but don't change.

~Anti~ ~Commercial-AI~ ~license~ ~(CC~ ~BY-NC-SA~ ~4.0)~

I just had a short chat with someone saying something I agreed. It's not like I'm making posts about it....or replying to week-old comments by someone doing the thing I find annoying.

You have to see the irony in this, right? You are way more annoyed at my comment than I am by your clutter.

or replying to week-old comments by someone doing the thing I find annoying.

Again, its five days since you posted your comment, not a week, and its just seen by me for the first time about two hours ago.

~Anti~ ~Commercial-AI~ ~license~ ~(CC~ ~BY-NC-SA~ ~4.0)~

A 2 day difference doesn't make it less of a weird thing to do. Sorry you're so butthurt that I rolled my eyes at the useless crap in your comments that commercial AI companies are going to ignore.