Advice for a middle-age, moderately pc knowledgeable person to finally switch to or become proficient with Linux? to – 253 points –

This is my third attempt. Partly to rage quit Windows, and partly to gain utility and control with some professional AV software.

I have converted an old Asus netbook to Ubuntu netbook remix and used it for a while. I was impressed with how much better that tiny thing ran with Linux than Windows. But in the end it still had less power than a TI-84. So I stopped using it, and never really learned Linux proper.

I dual boot my Chromebook, so I can use gimp for photos on vacation, but everything I do with the Linux partition is cut and paste from articles by people who know what they're doing. (I was motivated to post here by a meme about that.)

I'm thinking of dual booting my main desktop, because I need Windows for some fairly processor intense A/V software I use for work. So what would be a good distro to look into for a novice and where should I look for a tutorial? I would ultimately like to see if I can use Linux to run my AV software in emulation and add drivers for some professional audio interfaces. I'm fed up with windows and trying to see how far I can get without it. Your help is appreciated in advance, and if this is inappropriate for this topic, let me know and I'll delete it.


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Lol are you me?

I kept trying to run Linux and windows, both in dual-boot and separate system form, and always crutched my way back to windows. My largest excuse was gaming.

Once Valve proved gaming on Linux is possible via the Steam Deck, I was officially out of excuses. I formatted c: and installed Pop_OS and forced myself to learn it. The only thing I miss, and not even that much, is MS Office apps. There are perfectly serviceable productivity apps for Linux but none feel as comfortable (yet).

It’s been about a year, and I am finding myself copy/pasting a little less than at the beginning and becoming more comfortable and knowledgeable every day. Taking the nuclear option isn’t for everyone, but it worked for me.

i have been doing Linux for 22 years and know it in and out for the most part and you never stop copying and pasting. sometimes I know it fully and still copy and paste out of pure laziness for longer one liners. but best advice I can give is. Don't ever feel like your not good at Linux case you use a DE vs window manager. or use one distro vs another. There is some gatekeeping people do just like with any hobby/community. Just ignore them and enjoy learning something new.

Trust me, you will miss the wonder of learning and playing with a new interface and ways of doing things. its funny I go the other way now loading up windows 3.1 in DOSbox just to play and try and remember how to do things and get things working.

Have you tried OnlyOffice? It's pretty much like MS office and documents compatibility is really good.

Nope, but the screenshots look pretty promising. Thanks for the tip, will check it out

Check out LibreOffice instead, it’s more modern and actively maintained.