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Steam machines madre the same mistake the 3DO made I'm glad they recovered and something very good camel out of it.

that's not in the plan it won't increase until they dominate the market and lock in the user base and I don't think enough people subscribe yet. squeezing free accounts to put you in the just enough annoyed state. Just like mobile games do.

also a big thing was the rapid openings of malls in the 80s and 90s. honestly they opened too many of them then just kind of limped along as it was too hard to close and Sears kinda funded them till their death.

alternative headline "steam users have a ton of games they got from a humble bundle for super cheap and we didn't take that into account and used the msrp value of each game for this shocking headline."

Also some games don't count time on older games. i know I have games like half life 2 episode 1 that i have beaten that show I never played them since I played them before they started tracking time.

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if it helps give you any comfort WW3 has always been around the corner in one way or another for as long as most of us have been alive. if you are reading articles about it. Then it's not going to start and if it does start it will all be over before you even hear about it. So try your best to just live the life you can.

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I was in the military as well but other than voting and writing your local and regional Representatives. Which everyone should be doing no mater what. what do you suggest the avg person do to affect geopolitics other than stress ourselves out. Let me know what we should do and I will be there.

There is no morality in Foreign Policy it all about power be that soft or hard power. That machinery of that power goes back hundreds of years ago. Do you know what I worry about?

I worry about if my neighbors have enough food to eat. Do the teachers have the supplies to teach our kids the best they can. Building a community support network. These are things I can affect change.

The sad thing is climate change will take us out and cause more suffering than a true WW3 will ever do and I'm not just talking about the heat. I'm talking water wars that have already started happening. Supply chain issues caused by climate stopping people getting the right medicine another pandemic.

The rest is just Saber Rattling.

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yeah that's literally the definition of Cold War. The biggest lie we were told is the cold war ended, it didn't. Think about it the US defeated an economic system Reagan didn't give two shits about the Authoritarian Mob that took over after the fall. As long as capitalism won the US called it a victory. I'm no tanky by any means but it's plan as day where the US priority was when it came to the Soviet Union.

honestly the biggest problem with the media is. Linux represents the very thing corporate culture in those media empires just can't fathom. the idea of cooperation for the greater good that Linux represents and not being 100% profit motivated. They just don't get it and worse they see it as a threat. Microsoft can be a competitor to them but the idea of open source is a competitor to the whole system and that is a far greater threat to the people on top.

Should be edited to say Diggs in Heels

Can you imagine what it would've be like if more companies has these handover moments. Support is officially handled over to the community. People pick up touch and the developers get to move on.

The logic I always subscribe to is, issues in Linux can be fixed maybe not by you or me but someone at some point in the future. On a long enough timeline we win. Where as it's not an issue with Windows, but a business decision to annoy you and thus can never be fixed.

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I will say that your statement that no one cares about what their OS is. it kind of makes the point. If no one cares. Why would you use a nonfree OS? Other than the FUD and that it's just what was used before.

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i mean it will still used for storage

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Who knew they were telling the truth after all. When they said Windows 10 would be the last version of Windows.

that looks like a NFC sticker I wonder if they used it for identification. I use stickers like these all the time to program devices around my home.

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Looking for and archiving recordings of old and modern announcements in commercial and industrial settings. Like mind the gap on trains or there has been a broadcast tower failure in your area or Pan Am boarding call welcome and instructions. these can be on reel to reel or 8 track tape.

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you don't and will never will. I would recommend reading a lecture by Ken Thompson the co-creator of Unix for more details on this https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~rdriley/487/papers/Thompson_1984_ReflectionsonTrustingTrust.pdf

not to speak for anyone what they ment but I took hooked the saw way I see satisfactory. keeping engment high by taking in feedback to make a really good end product. not use exploitive tricks to get people addicted to something that is not fun.

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only someone running arch or debian sid or an bleeding edge rolling release on an internet exposed ssh port. the idea of that configuration would sound ludicrous. even so we should be building off git repos not tar balls.

the weird part this situation has made me feel safer. the amount of work that went into social engineering this and it only lasted a month tops for people that run distros that would just not be or should not be used as an exposed server ever.

it shows open source works. This is more embarrassing than anything and we deserve it. We need to pay core library devs and have a mechanism that core libraries can be handed off to a trusted org.while another upstream maintainer can be found or the project shut down and other projects move away from the un maintained project. When the person maintaining the project gets burned out or has other issues.

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honestly I wished the arch wiki turned into a distro agnostic wiki. i have been using debian for decades and use arch wiki all the time but it would be nice to have a one stop shop for linux documentation. the Wikipedia of Linux run as a coalition.

To add to this population decline is just something that happens when people are in developed countries after they industrialize. when you don't need to farm as much and can have time to do some leisure and entertain yourself and frankly after wormen get more rights and are not seen as properly. population levels out naturally but can decline faster when people are not given the means to support themselves children become a burden rather than the gift they should be. You put unions back to +60% like they were in the 50s and you will see a mini boom of children.

Also the world is wonderful. Most people are good even if some are misguided by fear and impulse. It was just a few dicks that ruined it knowingly for the rest of us everything else. we could have solved if we had more time.

If you want to pull back the curtain read up on the National Association of Manufacturers and a man called James W. Fifield Jr. More than half of our problems were caused by those men and the other by Henry Kissinger's short sightness.

Shame they didn't even mention Stevie Case since they even had her on the cover of one of their issues from what I recall. As a Game God but I agree Roberta Williams should be on there.

I'm his defense it was after neo infected him so he has a point.

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4 guys in university put themselves though school by becoming hitmen. It all goes smoothly till a hit comes in on the Dean of their school.

Basically MacOS is high end fashion wear that is only workable on a runway and is outrageously expensive. It's worn as status not for function. You wear it like the designer thinks it should be worn not how you want it otherwise your wearing it wrong.

Honestly that should go for all transactions. someone calls you to fix an issue or pressure you into buying something. Just hang up and call the company back. one thing I have learned from many years of support is the person calling always has power over the person being called. So flip the dynamic. same goes for car sales just walk away. hell go look at cars when you don't want one and practice just walking away and see how much power you get.

I love Obsidian but it's not open source but it is free for personal use.

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I am so jealous of you getting to play Diablo 2 for the first time. Savor it don't rush you will never get that feeling back. Do you plan on doing the original on a CRT or resurrection?

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i honestly think a good way to do this is give communities the option to be apart of the same network and merge like IRC does. so you Federate to see different communities like we do now and merge posts from different servers as a layer on top to show one community. now do i know how to do that not a clue. I also think something like a side bar webring would work as well.

satisfactory on my 8th full playthrough and the game is not even 1.0 yet

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aa it should be

ah the mainframe strategy

They started the Second Wind Group channel. So videos should be posted there shortly https://www.youtube.com/@SecondWindGroup

Debian is great for gaming just takes a little work. I run Debian sid and that has its pros and cons but I do it to have super updated packages and to help report bugs. But running stable with a mix of flatpaks and backports works great as well.

Debian is great since it's just super vanilla packages from upstream for you to make it the way you want it.

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your statement about live service poisoning the way people talk about game updates we can both agree on that.

"This generation is finished" --previous generation understanding the powerful of the previous, previous generation caused climate change and the displacement and famine that go with that.

do the left even watch broadcast networks these days?