It’s not just boomers, young people are voting far right too to World – 359 points –
It’s not just boomers, young people are voting far right too

Ahead of the European election, striking data shows where Gen Z and millennials’ allegiances lie.

Far-right parties are surging across Europe — and young voters are buying in. 

Many parties with anti-immigrant agendas are even seeing support from first-time young voters in the upcoming June 6-9 European Parliament election.

In Belgium, France, Portugal, Germany and Finland, younger voters are backing anti-immigration and anti-establishment parties in numbers equal to and even exceeding older voters, analyses of recent elections and research of young people’s political preferences suggest.

In the Netherlands, Geert Wilders’ anti-immigration far-right Freedom Party won the 2023 election on a campaign that tied affordable housing to restrictions on immigration — a focus that struck a chord with young voters. In Portugal, too, the far-right party Chega, which means “enough” in Portuguese, drew on young people’s frustration with the housing crisis, among other quality-of-life concerns. 

The analysis also points to a split: While young women often reported support for the Greens and other left-leaning parties, anti-migration parties did particularly well among young men. (Though there are some exceptions. See France, below, for example.)


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Unfortunately, American politics is so toxic, its infected nearly every country its come into contact with.

Understanably, american money and election interference is the reason European politics is becoming more americanised. For example, it was regan who radicalised thatcher. It was American and Russian dark money that funded vote leave (brexit). It was the CIA who funded far right groups all over Europe. Its American, far right Christian groups who try to lobby to take away reproductive freedom for women etc. etc.

America is empire now and no ones laughing anymore.

Europe has had so many far right groups throughout history and they haven’t gone anywhere. You can definitely think of a few in recent history, not even mentioning Russia. You can just dismiss this away as some foreign influence, this is a problem the world is facing and it’s a problem with me and you.

I don't think I dismissed it but mearly made sure that all the factors leading to it were included. In fact, its people taking issue with me mentioning them who are dismissing things they dont like. If you're in denial about that, then you're probably in detail about how much of an influence America was on Hitler too.

For sure, its not like we need any help with making far right groups. However, we have help making them none the less.

I mean, maybe the rise of the far right in America and then a similar rise across the world, with a sufficient lag time, is completely unrelated. Maybe operation galdio didn't do exactly what it set out to do. Maybe its better to blame people for the additional effect it has on them, outside of their control. I mean, that would be very in keeping with far right thinking.

Must suck living in a place with 450 million people none of which can think for themselves and instead are just vessels for the thoughts of other civilizations

Own up to your own crap if you want to fix it, or don't own it and blame foreigners. See if I care.

Own up to your own crap if you want to fix it

They said, without a hint of irony.

Again, said without a hint of irony. Please get some self awareness before replying again. Youre taking the sport out of it.

Some of us are capable of holding all the contributing factors in their heads and not just ignore the ones they dont want to talk about. It doesn't mean we don't have our own problems but it also doesn't mean that there isn't another very serious problem at hand.

Hmm clearly I need to repeat myself with you.

Let me know if you need a primer on logical fallacies. I am sure I can find one for your level.

Clearly you think yourself far smarter than you are. Especially considering you can't even see yourself fall foul of the fallacy you claim to see. As adorable as it is, I remember when I first found out about fallacies too, its a bit boring and it wouldn't make me wrong either. That is if you bothered learning any of the other fallacies.

Let me help you, as you're clearly struggling here: why is it that only the Europeans, in this instance, that have to own their crap? Why are we not allowed to consider any other contributing factors? How is me mentioning another factor, while not denying the problems at home, not owing it?

It doesn't make sense does it?

Bless your little heat. Like I said, I remember when I first discovered fallacies too. So, I understand why you think they're news for other people. Ironically though, again, you forgot the fallacy fallacy.

As in, even if you weren't wildly wrong and falling foul of the very fallacy you claim to see, it still wouldn't make my position wrong.

So, rather than post things you clearly don't understand, why not engage the subject?

Lol jk, anyone reading this will know why you can't.

I gave you an infographic with a cute robot, wasn't that enough? I can't dumb it down further.

Thanks but I didn't need it. Maybe try the explanations without pictures next time. Thats probably where you went wrong.

Your problem is that you presumed to be saying that to someone who didn't know anything about fallacies and not someone who knows them better than you. So, now you've gone and made a fool out of yourself. Even funnier that you've doubled down on your fallacy fallacy and had to resort to such pathetic deflections.

Please carry on though, you're hilarious.

Those are quite some claims. Some I've never heard of.

You'll have to excuse me for being skeptical.

You keep missing a few key words. American Corporations and Global Billionaires. Our politicians and far right think tanks have their marching orders. They aren't the driving force themselves.

Its funny, no one insists on that correction, when it comes to the Roman or British empires.

I think it's pretty clear the rich people fucked them up too. The working class isn't chomping at the bit to go oppress people. The Royal Navy literally abducted sailors to keep it's empire going, and Rome forced "barbarians" into the military to create a civil military divide that protected Italians from really feeling the cost. But then that system killed the Republic, and later the Western Roman Empire.

Workers want two things. To provide for their loved ones and to have a bit of time they can enjoy with their loved ones. The ideas of imperialism and especially radical conservatism have to be jammed down their throats from day 1 of school. That takes money and influence. You know who has money and influence?

It ain't the people.

I agree completely and i respect you giving context. I hope you can understand, its not that common that people realise that.

Yeah. If we could get more people realizing that then maybe we could get representatives that are willing to hold the executive to account and not just play partisan games.