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Joined 3 months ago

We did but then you lot started ringing bells.

Tbf, were fucked too.

Something I always love to add to these sorts of threads:


It expresses the view that the current aeonic civilization is that of the Western world, but it claims that the evolution of this society is threatened by the "Magian/Nazarene" influence of the Judeo-Christian religion, which the Order seeks to combat in order to establish a militaristic new social order, which it calls the "Imperium". According to Order teachings, this is necessary in order for a galactic civilization to form, in which "Aryan" society will colonise the Milky Way.

It's beyond heresy.

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When they say "the housing crisis", is that what the poors call the record profit boon?

I think our planet would be described as a free-range human labour farm, to anyone who was able to view it independently. Well, lots of it not so free-range. Its why they're coming for reproductive freedom. They're doing for the same reason a beef farmer wouldn't give their cows reproductive freedom.

Yeah but how's that supposed to maximise wealth extraction by our economic overlords?

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Small, immediate rewards for small achievable goals. We respond to them better than people without ADHD

For sure, I totally agree with what you're saying. I was only using the word in the 40k version where nearly everything is hersasy, not the sensible version of the word youre using.

Lol jokes on you. I already have autism. So, vaccines just make me stronger.

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No, it doesn't look like a prison. It looks more like a school or a factory.

......wait a minute.

Lol no, I live in a civilised country that doesn't do that kind of barbaric shit to people.

I don't mean to be horrible but you should be mad. Just, not at me because i didn't do this to you and, if i could, I'd change it in a heartbeat.

You deserve better.

All of you.

Its not genocide because its not from the Atroci region of sub saharan Africa or the Geno region of Central and Eastern Europe.

It's actually sparkling murder induced relocation of an indigenous people, based solely on their ethnic identity, specifically to bring about the destruction of said ethnic group.

I hope that clears everything up.

That reminds me of two orthodox Jewish guys who were arrested on charges of antisemitic hate, by the metropolitan police, for burning an Israeli flag.

  1. Equating Israel with wider Jewish-ness is actaully antisemitic, unlike burning a flag. So, the only antisemitism there was conducted by the police. The met keeping up its proud tradition of institutional racism there.

  2. These boys are going to get hauled up in front of a judge on antisemitism charges, only to be asked swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

On the fucking Torah

Unfortunately, American politics is so toxic, its infected nearly every country its come into contact with.

Understanably, american money and election interference is the reason European politics is becoming more americanised. For example, it was regan who radicalised thatcher. It was American and Russian dark money that funded vote leave (brexit). It was the CIA who funded far right groups all over Europe. Its American, far right Christian groups who try to lobby to take away reproductive freedom for women etc. etc.

America is empire now and no ones laughing anymore.

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Landlords who evade taxes are some of the worst scum imo.

They're more than happy to charge people for using their things. They love that part. In fact, it's their favourite bit.

However, when a country comes along and says "yeah, so, about that whole charging people for using our stuff...thing" they'll act like they just asked to fuck thier mum.

Then they'll look you dead in the eye and claim its a moral issue, without a hint of shame.

If I broke into your house and claimed the top floor, would you be ok with the whole thing being enforced by the police, until "we figure out a (new and more favorable to me) long term solution"? I highly doubt it.

We already have a long term solution. Specifically a two state solution where Israel gives back the land it illegally stole. Its just that Israel has no intention of following international law.

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Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses.

Have you tried having the worlds only super power ready to liberate the everlasting shit out of anyone who upsets you?

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Its against nature

No, not that nature

For a while now, I've had a hypothesis that money does have a real, tangible underlying asset attached to it, in the exact same way as it used to be backed by gold or oil.

The underlying asset is human capital and the value is derived from human labour.

The reason for my belief is because private banks actually create 80% of the money in circulation. They create this money when they issue loans.

How do we determine the amount of loan we can take? The amount of money we earn. We earn money either via our own labour or someone else's. Ergo, money is created at the value human labour you own, like how we used to do so with gold and oil.

Money here acting as both an iou and as a labour token, in the same way a British Bank note was both an iou for gold and affected gold prices, we have been buried under a labour debt our great grandkids would come close to paying off. Printing of future Labour ious also depresses wages for everyone who works for their money.

Imo, its much worse than monopoly money.

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That would make sense for capitalism, if humanity didn't have to have its permanent, essential characteristics beaten, traumatised and groomed out of them with land seizures, branding, whipping, workhouses, schools, prisons, debtors prisons, being forced to sell their children, slavery and the threat of homelessness and starvation for hundreds of years.

People didn't just accept either of those two systems and there's nothing remotely inherent about them. They were both forced on people through violence or the threat of it.

I'd have a look at David greabers interviews on the subject. He was heavily involved and part-mastermind behind it.

Contrary to what a lot of people seem to think, a lot of it was about become too specific in their aims. The powers that be want to whittle away the numbers with infighting. So, they ask the sort of duck or rabbit questions to make that happen.

When they made specific demands, they stopped being a scary, faceless and uncompromising mob.

Theres more too and he's very honest in his self critique imo.

People extorting money due to the finite nature of land, for the sole reason of having been born with better access to capital.

It's just making money, due to having money. They didn't invent anything, they didnt discover and invest in an emerging company. They didn't do anything innovative or clever. Anyone born to wealth could have done it. Which is why those are, by far and away, the vast majority of landlords.

Even a Conservative, union busting aristocrat like Churchill knew how bad landlordism was and landlords have been hated throughout all of human history. It's only the current neoliberal plague who've attempted to moralise it with rich people worship and bootstrap paradoxes.

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So true and even the demand of the unjust man is an argument to moderation fallacy. Theres no reason to ever presume the middle to be the correct place, simply due to its middle-ness.

For example, if I said the sky was predominantly yellow and you corrected me saying "no, the sky is predominantly blue" would it be reasonable to conclude that the sky is predominantly green?

Don't worry, you can rest when our overlords have decided you're no longer profitable enough to continue working you into an early grave.

I mean, after all, their problem is that they want more workers, so they can make more money. Letting people work less defeats the point.

It's our fault for ever thing they would try to fix their problem by making their own problem worse.

For sure, never ever trust a wealthy person's origin story. Even trump and Musk claim to be self made.

Much better to go with the evidence of our eyes and ears.

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Definitely true, its just the arms companies milking your country dry want more money. So, they'll convince you all that you're no longer a super power.

Bold of you to presume they ever cared if they were wrong.

In the UK they've tried to label this as the cost of living crisis, as if the change in value due to inflation it put to some kind of inflation control account in the sky.

Its always been the corporate greed crisis. You'll even get corporate bootlickers trying some kind of "its not like they just became greedy." Which is true. However, they've never had such a good excuse to whack up their prices, to see what sticks, and have the very same people they're ripping off stick up for them rather than use their brains before.

Stock bros with just enough knowledge to be dangerous types.

I mean, for all you know that could be because they're not giving enough money away to anyone calling themselves an artist.

*So, giving that exact amount of money away to anyone calling themselves an artist doesn't work, for you personally.

We all have to be very specific about how you're defining "better" here. To me, it's people being very bad at explaining what they mean by it when they say that, making it easy to dismiss as nostalgia. I think you're mostly right though.

People have become used to better graphics and smoother gameplay. You can't go back after that. People like having other people to play with too. So, I think those are unfair criticisms. They mean, old style made with the new tech. However, there a whole host of things that have gotten better with modern games. I think we can agree on the last part at least.

Having lived through both, old games were not "better" per se but there is something modern games have lost, in amongst all of the improvements. Games "back in the day" weren't made with algorithms designed to mess with your psychology to keep you playing, even if you hate the game. They didn't design the games into evergrinds that only a few sweaty types and professionals can genuinely enjoy either. Old games had a logical, satisfying end where you would put them down afterwards.

Despite all the crap you get with old games, you can tell that so many of them were made to be as much fun as possible. Like, that was the main aim and not "engagement at all costs, even enjoyment." They were labours of love, warts and all.

That's why they'll never remake morrowind as it was but with better graphics, mechanics etc. because it'll be so apparent imo. I mean, you start off fighting rats in a basement with a toothpick and eventually end up being able to make game breaking gear, just for the hell of it. You had to earn it but it was just really fun. Powerstone 2 was just pure, silly fun.

Fun doesn't generate as much permanent engagement as whatever the hell they're using now. I'm not saying modern games aren't fun, just to be clear. But they're not made, from the ground up, to be as much fun as possible anymore imo. That's what I think they've lost. But I agree, that doesn't make old games better, despite their being so old.

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No, you all have to pretend that corporations are people and that political donations, specifically made to subvert your democracy, is freeze-peach and their aint no limit on freedom, baby!

Nope, no abuse of the law there.....

Hate, in British law here, would be things said to insight violence against people. The best thing to ask people with views such as yours is "what exactly is it that you want to say, that you're being stopped from saying?"

For me, yes. Its an award winning best seller. Its also dirt cheap and a labour of love for all the scifi they enjoy. They listened to what their players wanted and just ...... did it, like a bunch of psychopaths.

It also has one of the most meta storylines I've ever seen in a game. For me, its a very special game and as close as anyones come to the space game I always wanted growing up.

Its not for everyone of course. But, if its your kind of thing, it'll really work for you. Honestly, if anyone choses to play it, id recommend getting a buzz going on whatever poison you're into, don't Google any of it fot a bit and let it unfold as you play. Part of the game is figuring out the game.

Most likely bonds (as you said, cash equivalents). When you get to a certain level of wealth, instead of paying taxes, you lend that same money to the government and receive interest on it.

And/or because it's hidden away in some tax haven under somone else's name.

I wouldn't trust a word of it myself.

Its ok, they're doing it to a group of people who also make their money from taking other peoples money. So, cheer away at the poetic justice.

Thats an easy one, America isn't openly funding the side committing genocide and threatening to liberate anyone who doesn't like what they do back into the stone age, in Sudan.

Its really not hard to see, if you're prepared to see it.

The difference being, like in the roman times you're referring to, the coins at least had some other kind of underlying value.

I agree that was heavily inflated and, eventually, the value of the coins became more than the value of the metals the coins ended up as after clipping etc.

However, now there isn't even that pretence. Human labour is the underlying asset here imo.

It's not that I dont know how money works. Its that I think about it differently. To me, it makes a lot more sense than just that we believe in it really hard, with extra steps. Its that now, the rich get to keep hold of the gold too.

A way to think about the idea is the financial crash. "Sub prime mortgages" means "fraudulent loans to people who didn't exist" (money creation). The money created by those loans was spent a thousand times over, all due back to bigger banks who leant them money, with new loans and made with them as collateral and all packed into toxic financial instruments. When it was found out that those people didn't exist, the money literally disappeared. Thats how "companies balance sheets just vanished." Thats whys Governments had to print money: because the money had vanished and there was a gapping money void due to it.

There was no one to work off the value of the money that had been created and, just like if you found out thr bank didn't have any gold (back in the gold standard days), the IOUs (money) would be worthless.

To me, it point to seeing the world as a human labour farm and the currency is human labour IOUs, in the same way cotton, sugar and steel nails and their IOUs in Virginia, the Caribbean and the North East of England respectfully were also used currency or were the equivalent of currency.

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I think it also has something to do with mass creation which is probably just an even simpler version of what you're saying.

Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Other countries haven't had their tax authorities completely captured by billionaires.

Its funny, wage thieves are happy to charge a levy on other peoples labour, for using their things to make money, but as soon as a country comes along and says "yeah, so, about that whole charging people for using our things to making money thing...." they act like you just asked to fuck thier mum.

And they'll look you dead in eye and claim its a moral issue too, without a hint of shame.

I mean, the guy is just falling over himself to demonstrate his ignorance of the war. British high command had loads of very easy opportunities to kill Hitler but chose not to incase someone who wasn't a speedball addicted, half crazed walking liability took over instead.

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