Meta AI Intergration - Right to Object to – 24 points –

Has anyone outside the EU/UK recieved a response from the right to object form? I've heard that people outside of the EU/UK aren't getting responses with their wishes being honoured.


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If you do not object, they can and will use your data, posts, images,... to train AI on it.

When you object, they (pinky promise) won't do it (knowingly - they say you may end up in their training material if e.g. a friend of you uploads a photo of you but doesn't tag you)

e.g. a friend of you uploads a photo of you but doesn't tag you

Do they need to have not tagged you? If someone else uploads a picture of you (as opposed to if someone else uploads a picture taken by you), that's their picture, in terms of IP ownership, so it would be them that needs to have opted out.

Yes, it's their picture, but your data (in the sense that the AI is now trained with your likeness)