HUGE Google Search document leak reveals inner workings of ranking algorithm to – 303 points –
HUGE Google Search document leak reveals inner workings of ranking algorithm

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Google has an algorithm? I thought it's all ads by now, considering how hard it is to find anything on google anymore

they have these notifications where they send you an article or sometimes video you might be interested in... it's a notification ad, basically, or at least functions as one.

95% of the time it's clickbait or AI drivel anyway but at least when you tapped on it, it would open a somewhat related Google search and the first "result" you would see would be the article you clicked on. unnecessary step but i got why they do it.

well now you don't see it. because ads cover at least one entire screen's worth of space, if not more, so you have to scroll way down to see the thing you clicked on. unbelievable that they essentially show ads in front of ads.