What are your must-have packages?

Ret2libsanity@lemmy.world to Linux@lemmy.ml – 170 points –

I’ll start:

  • Tmux
  • vim
  • ghidra
  • okteta (hex editor)
  • speedcrunch (calculator with bit manipulation)
  • python3 with IPython for nice reply and embed(), pwntools

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  • zsh+ohmyzsh
  • tilix
  • neovim
  • fzf
  • exa
  • pv
  • htop+iotop+nethogs
  • iperf3
  • nc
  • socat
  • nmap
  • python3
  • ansible
  • lolcat

If you like exa and fzf, you'll also like fd (or sometimes fd-find).

Woah, how I missed this? Thanks! Seems very comfy and way faster, btw on my deb machines it's fdfind