Best ways to bypass anti-cheat on a Windows 11 VM? to – 20 points –

Hello everyone,

I'm looking for a guide on how to bypass anti-cheat such as BattleEye in my Windows 11 virtual machine. I'm currently running Proxmox VE as my host with GPU passthrough enabled. I just recently got kicked from a Rainbow Six Siege game because I was using a VM. I'm not looking to cheat, I'm only using a virtual machine because anti-cheat software is very invasive. TIA!


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And „normal“ would mean a total invasion of privacy and accepting games installing malware? Bowing your head and install bootloader destroying windows on an otherwise fine machine instead of owning your system? Then I'd recommend not playing those games

Do whatever the fuck you want. If you want to skip those games go the fuck ahead.

That's not what they are asking though. Try to keep up and read the question.

They are looking for technology wiork arounds. Which, gasp* shockingly will get you banned.

Image your system before you install the games, or keep two windows installations around maybe?

that is of course an option. not my cup of tea though. if I need to do things like that to play some games, I'd rather not play them at all and put my time into games from devs which don't actively sabotage linux compatibility. That doesn't mean I don't miss playing for example pubg or valorant