Linux May Be the Best Way to Avoid the AI Nightmare to – 1288 points –
Linux May Be the Best Way to Avoid the AI Nightmare

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Gnome is a little too minimal and ends up being kinda difficult to use because of it. Especially when you're used to windows. I tried it again for like a week when Ubuntu 24 came out and said "fuck this shit" and installed KDE.

Ok whatever, but does Ubuntu use Unity or Gnome?

Gnome, it's been back Gnome for like 6 years now.

Ah ok that's what I thought, I was wondering if I had it wrong.

I won't debate your opinions on Gnome, I actually like it though I'm using KDE right now, but tbh IMO that's a major boon for linux, if you don't like the DE you can change it, or even to a WM, everyone can have their preference to a degree!