Structure is a double-edged sword

The Picard to ADHD – 650 points –

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Medicated ADHD can be close to normal. It definitely makes everything easier to do. For many like me it's night and day, it becomes easy to focus and get tasks done. Seriously life changing.

You need to find the right medication though. When I was younger, I had Concerta, and it made me hyper focus but made me emotionless.

I've been without meds for about 5 years now, but life is catching up to me, so I'm looking into trying some different ADHD meds.

I had/did the same. Switched to adderall and found out Concerta is trash(Ritalin). I found out that they went with Concerta because time release is easier to give to children and most of all, the manufacturer gave them kickbacks when it was still legal.

Plus with primarily hyperactive and combined, often parents take their kids in because they can't handle them acting up. With Ritalin, when the personality is gone, there's no more acting up.. they choose that and go "wow, they're so normal now", not knowing the damage they're doing to their childhood.

That makes sense, it's exactly what happened to me but I got the generic version of Concerta instead.

It kept me shut up, and it kept my conservative parents happy that they no longer had to deal with an autistic child, then wondered why I never developed as a person until I was out of the house.