Spotify has raised prices for the second time in a year, with no new benefits, after its CEO sparked outrage by claiming the cost of creating 'content' is 'close to zero' to – 1006 points –
Spotify announces price hike, right after CEO enrages music fans by claiming the cost of creating 'content' is 'close to zero'

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Unfortunately most android phones are slowly phasing away the SD card slot. The only flagship that still supports it is Sony with their Xperia. I don't know of any major mid-rangers models that still support it. The only low end phones now. But the overall experience is painful.

On the positive note though, the migration process during the setup wizard copies all your music to the new phone

That really isn't much of a positive note if you have a lot of data. You are forced to buy the higher tier storage if that's even available to you.

My Xiaomi phone for $400 supports up to 1 TB SD cards, so that's pretty sweet.

Even Xiaomi are getting rid of the MicroSD slot now (and the headphone jack). At least onboard storage has been starting to increase again, although it's not close to the amount a SD slot can provide.