Toyota: World's largest carmaker raided over safety scandal to World – 284 points –
Toyota: World's largest carmaker raided over safety scandal

Japan's transport ministry raided the headquarters of motor giant Toyota on Tuesday, as a scandal over faulty safety data escalated. 

The world's largest carmaker has apologised for providing incorrect or manipulated data for safety certification tests.

The scandal has shaken the Japanese car industry, with rivals Honda, Mazda and Suzuki also admitting to submitting faulty data.


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The world's largest carmaker has apologised for providing incorrect or manipulated data for safety certification tests. The scandal has shaken the Japanese car industry, with rivals Honda, Mazda and Suzuki also admitting to submitting faulty data. Toyota sold more than 11 million passenger vehicles in 2023. It has said the findings do not affect the safety of vehicles already on the road.

Yea let's just take them at their word for the safety of current vehicles. What a fucking joke.

"Sorry we've been lying. We're definitly honest this time, pinky promise"

-Toyota, probably

"Sure thing. I consider this matter resolved."

- Their brother in the government.

Japan has a bit of a power family problem.