Ace! _SL/S

@Ace! _SL/
0 Post – 149 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

This won't go well

Relevant last place comic:

Except that ad blockers also provide protection against malware, phishing and tracking. Having no ad blocker on is like having a one night stand over and over again without ever using a condom. Might work out for years on end, until you finally get infected

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All of them.

Biggest difference a distro does is their update cycle and how much the distro "takes care" of you. Some of them do everything behind the scenes to make it just work. Others need more user interaction to reach the same state (but tend to teach you the inner workings too, which will open up a LOT of customization)

Imagine having no internet for real when setting up Windows. I guess the hardware you bought is useless then

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They store it unencrypted in 2024? This should be illegal. Now every fucking Program you run can basically know everything you ever did since every shit is spyware nowadays to get that sweet data collection going

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the kicker: she's an employee of a local catholic parish.

Not surprising at all, without misleading and lying to people no religion would gain mass traction

This is by design, keeping the mass dumb makes it easier to trick them

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"Land of the free" lmao

This comment sums it up pretty nicely:

LOL innovative invention of swapping memory to storage…… maybe they can call it something cool like “cache”.

Apple being "innovative" my ass, lmao

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I compiled a list for you, here you go:

By running everthing in a single thread obviously. Won't get more powerful than that

You can crack most apps using Lucky Patcher

Make sure you get it from the official website though

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And that kids, is how I got banned from the local park

No need to, check out ProjectM

C#? I think you missspelled Microsoft Java™

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It's a SHITpost, you're not supposed to taste them...

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Fuck the animes pacing, it's unbearable. Luckily exists

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uBlock Origin, JShelter and LibreWolf disagree.

Additionally one could improve that further by using a VPN

If you wanna be extreme you could also just use the Tor Browser

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Buy it dinner first

Damn, now imagine there was a way to, maybe a button or something to say: this is bullshit. Dunno, maybe like a thumbs down or sth

Youtube fixing problems it created

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It seems like such a law would just be common sense unless I'm missing something.

The answer is lobbying, corrupt assholes and loads of $$$

Also, this is a law in countries that aren't getting fucked so much by their government

Why go out of your way instead of just using a proper search engine? Google has been getting worse and worse for the past 4 or 5 years

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Don't know if it works without an account but gallery-dl supports Instagram

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I'd highly recommend switching away from Miui. You can find custom roms here on xda

Why Miui sucks:

  • Like you already noticed, their battery optimization is way to aggresive
  • They're invading your privacy everywhere possible
  • Battery lifetime sucks royaly (Evolution X rom & Android 14 increased my battery endurance by about 140%! That's insane)
  • Stock apps have ads
  • It heavily cripples performance (slow app loading times, etc)
  • Some simple customisations are flat out impossible (for example, you can't use any custom launcher without fully breaking gesture navigation, setting your lockscreen wallpaper only works with Miuis stock Gallery/Themes app)

Are you using uBlock Origin? I'm not seeing that anti adblock warning

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"Sorry we've been lying. We're definitly honest this time, pinky promise"

-Toyota, probably

There is the r/piracy Mega Thread

And also the awesome-piracy github repo

If you can't find a site there to download the things you want to you might be out of luck

I'm sure this is good for the health of the non replacable battery

That's not how it works. If you claim something and want it to be validated, you need proof.

You don't randomly claim things and get other people to disprove you

Surveilance shouldn't be a thing on hardware YOU own. Back in the day we called that shit Spyware, but it's okay if it's a Virus made by Google/Facebook/Amazon... The list goes on and on

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That's thanks to their shitty javascript. Gosh, I hate sites doing that so much

Just let me use my browser the way it's intended to instoad of loading every shitty little html element dynamically with your shitty js doing shitty network requests dropping them like crazy

"Random" lmao

They show you exactly what their algorithm thinks gets you the most addicted and wants you to interact with the app in any way possible. Most of the time that's achieved by making you feel negative emotions

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Looking through all these short descriptions doesn't surprise me a bit. Trash amongst humanity, parasites etc

Why does your comment smell like a superiority complex?

Why is it that smaller people can do seemingly obvious features like custom user-controlled site rankings, but the big players are completely incapable of that?

Because that would give control to the user. And we all know they hate us having that because they can't shove their shit down our throats then

Thanks Satan

Well, there is a simple reason for that

It's called money

On android I'm pretty basic:

  • uBlock Origin
  • JShelter
  • LibRedirect
  • Dark Reader

On PC I'm using some more:

  • uGet integration
  • Video Download Manager (grabbing links for yt-dlp)
  • SideBerry
  • Bitwarden

and probably some others I forgot right now. I also try to not use to many addons