Windows Recall demands an extraordinary level of trust that Microsoft hasn’t earned to – 468 points –
Windows Recall demands an extraordinary level of trust that Microsoft hasn’t earned

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For all the invasive problems this feature causes, what the fuck does it actually do? The ability to ask an ai what website you were on last Thursday? Who needs this garbage

I have my search history for that. Useless "feature".

The most evil company that ever existed needs it. So you will have it by default.

The concept is useful. A well known idea capture of it is the famous “As We May Think” article from Vannevar Bush all the way back in 1945, which conceptualized a machine “Memex” that would enhance humans capabilities with for example memory and recall. A lot of humans needs help with this and use devices for this daily, with notes, map lookups of where you parked, find my things for devices, analytics for photo libraries etc etc etc.

The only issue here is the implementation.

I mean that can be super useful. Doesn't mean it's worth the risk.