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Joined 12 months ago

I'm just a man with a guillotine

Jokes on them, that's my fetish.

Billy Chopper

Touch screens in cars.

When I'm driving I need a tactile immediate response that is easy to understand without looking at it.

Touch screens are for controls that change so you can take advantage of the dynamic nature of a screen for the static needs of a car and the immediate feedback you need, make them the worst possible solution.

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Fucking hate capitalism's need for infinite growth, flat sales means you're doing exactly the same as you were doing last year, if it was sustainable last year it's sustainable this year

Especially for a company that is little more than a platform

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As trade with North America and China degraded that was one of the worst casualties.

China has a booming market for small EVs. It is not an understatement to say they are years ahead of us in that regard.

What is it North America? Because you said I'm not allowed to have public transit and now I'm not even allowed to have the type of car I want.

Oh boy do I love freedom.

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Private industry handling a public utility is never a good idea, see: Texas power grid

internet should be treated like water and power and handled by the city.

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Biden has been doing a lot of good work. I wasn't a fan when he ordered the rail workers back to work but since then be has increased the cost of carbon in negotiations, canceled the debt he was able to without the Senate and proposed relaxing drug restrictions on cannabis.

He isn't perfect but it's more good news than I got through 2016-2020 and he's doing it while getting stonewalled on every decision by a Republican controlled Congress.

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If I have to read one more both sides are terrible "take" that encourages voter apathy I'm going to lose my mind. Vote, people I don't care who you vote for but you have to vote because apathy is how we get fascism.

Do something rather than just throwing a piss fit and encouraging others to do nothing.

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Criticizing our leaders is one of the core principals of democracy.

Voting is also a core principal. So please stop encouraging non-participation.

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Fuck all dollar stores and their predatory business models that lead to worse outcomes for the least fortunate.

A perfect microcosm for the failures of capitalism

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Yeah it's an inelastic demand.

Our zoning codes, car centric infrastructure, and investment firms having control over supply have priced an entire generation out of a human right.

alphabetically was probably the default sorting method for an array of data and they didn't bother to fix it, just my guess.

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You mean to say their blatant attempt to finger point and shift focus away from their party's misdeeds turned out to be nothing?


See this is why she doesn't want us tracking the jet.

Hell yeah it's time for workers to take back what's ours

In the past I would have been dismissive however the FTC seems to have been very active with enforcing consumer protections as of late so I remain hopeful.

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Musk has a history of cutting important safety and regulatory jobs to reduce costs. He runs extremely lean businesses.

Maybe it will be different with a biomedical business but I think people are right to be skeptical.

The US has become such a fucking deregulated hellscape and I hate that Canada is following their lead.

We shouldn't witch hunt but this should be taken very seriously.

As for history of the victim lying... Never fall into this toxic mindset, even if it does happen you should never rush to this conclusion either. It's disgusting

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Sex doesn't need to define you, neither does being a virgin.

Sex is part of a healthy life but putting it on a pedestal and letting it impact your image of yourself will only lead to toxicity.

Everyone has a right to be heard.

Everyone has a right to their pain.

Someone else's pain being acknowledged and addressed does not invalidate yours.

Comparing pain leads only to a race to the bottom when we should all be lifting each other up.

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Terrible take. Just because the system sucks doesn't mean there's no nuance between the two.

This attitude has spurred apathy and allowed Republicans to stifle progress.

On the other side of this, what I find really common is anyone who acknowledges the reality of how the US voting structure works is seen as a Biden Stan

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My area in particular gets a lot of housing market "investment".

The going rate for a one bedroom is $1400 a month or $460,000 for a single family home in the suburbs with no access to public transport.

It's rough out here.

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I think you need to have a talk with your youth pastor about these alternative truths.

No implying that people in this position have a history of lying is disgusting.

It discounts and underlays the seriousness of the situations and discredits them without due process

Edit: removed personal attack, my apologies I should take issue with the content not the user

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I understand wanting to give people the tools to help themselves but it's also important to keep in mind that this sort of logic has been used to punish the poor and victim blame for any excess pleasure expenditure.

Poverty is a symptom of a failing system and does not fall solely on the individual to escape.

It's not just this, due to the way they make money and the places they target they edge out competitors and exaserbate food deserts while providing nothing to the community.

Wendover Predictions did an excellent video on it:

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The wrong X died

He would always deliver to me :(

Would help a lot more if we had equitable distribution of wealth

If you do your authentication with online servers properly it is virtually impossible to get the full experience by pirating anyway so the only thing you're doing by including DRM is taking performance and convenience from paying customers

Within any adminstration there will be things in and outside of their sphere of influence.

What's often attributed to Biden himself can often more accurately be attributed to his cabinet as a whole.

When people say it's not their fault they often mean the issue at hand needs a Senate resolution which will never happen because it's controlled by the Republican party who has a "do you enemy no favors" policy whenever a democrat is in office.

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I'm so fuckin old dude

Yes, that's still fine.

I wonder if we have any statistics for non-violent crime like theft, grocery stores keep going on about rising pretty theft and I have my doubts.

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Nuclear solves one of the biggest issues with renewables because the energy output can be adjusted.

This in turn means that you need less energy storage capacity in order to supplant existing technologies.

Honestly I'm just happy we're moving away from fossil fuels.

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Now that loading screen is some nostalgia, quick I need to log into MSN Messenger plus so people can see what I'm listening to.

Security, we're going to need you over in section K2, we have a code 308, multiple violations.

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Winning third in your own State, not even second. That's gotta hurt.

This article's title reads like clickbait